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Rudra Tapaswi Rudra315
An Aspiring Data Engineer, Studying masters in Advanced Data Analytics at University of North Texas, Worked at TCS as Analyst for 2 years.

University of North Texas Denton, TX

Lukasz Longwinter93
Data Enthusiast 👧
Sougata(o) Bhattacharya sgtcmi
juggling theory and practice


Camila Javiera Muñoz Navarro CamilaJaviera91
Hey!! I'm from Chile and I'm trying to learn the wonders of data engineering


Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ahmed Hatem ahmedhattem11
Data Engineer

Alexandria, Egypt

Juyeon Kim YoniKim0319
BSc in Data Science, Seoul Women's University

Seoul, South Korea

Sou um profissional em transição para a área de Tecnologia da Informação, atualmente cursando TI na UNIVESP e estagiando em Data Engineering Compass UOL

Compass UOL Brazil, Sao Paulo

Mike mrgdevelops


Lance lanceli237
University of Adelaide

Adelaide, South Austrlia

Ganesh Chandra GaneshChandra11
Data Analyst | "Aspiring Data Scientist" | Python | SQL | Power BI | Statistics | Machine Learning | Deep Learning
TARUN BHATIA TarunBhatia11
Pursuing professional course(B.Tech CSE) from Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, INDIA, Uttar pradesh, Kanpur nagar. In specialization in Data Science.
Per Halvorsen pmhalvor
MLE @schibsted with interests in natural language processing, audio analysis, and computer vision.

Schibsted Oslo, Norway

Ojelle Rogero-Casas ojudz08
Physicist turned Data Engineer A Data Engineer by day but Quant Dev in the making

Accenture Inc Philippines

Oraby Mahmoud orabymahmoud
Data Engineer

Select Egypt

Myrto Savva m-sav
Data Engineer
Vu Huy glucozo-100
make all, everything will come
Nguyen The Phuc Hiep ng-hiep
¡Mucho gusto de conocerlos!

Ho Chi Minh City

Sowrabh Manjappa sowrabh-m
Data Engineer passionate about Big Data, ML, Cloud, and SQL. MSc in Applied Data Science. I am excited to collaborate on impactful data projects!

London, UK

Carlos Kayser carloshkayser
PhD Candidate and MSc in Computer Science | Software & Data Engineer


Prabh Singh prabh8331
Professionally, I am a data engineer. Personally, I love working on my home server.

Cotiviti Pune

Nícolas Sartor Parisotto NicolasSP90
Studying programming and data science.