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Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Hayden D. Hale kirito777sao

Hoàng Mai , Hà Nội

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


M SAIFUL ISLAM msaifulcsse
Full Stack Software Engineer (.NET&Core) by profession, PHP & mobile app developer by passion, with interests in AI, Machine Learning & Data Science with Python

SoftifyBD Limited Dhaka, Bangladesh


PrimeCommerce, LLC Cincinnati, OH

Özgür Pınar codervis
Cahiller kendini aklar Kamiller özünü yoklar

Free Mountain

Masoud MasoudAbdaal
Security Engineer | Offensive Developer
Yousif Al-adower YousifAladower
Senior Software Developer. Tel:+967772707215 Email:[email protected]

Freelancer Sana'a ,Yemen

Christian W KungFuChihuahua
"Engineering Manager | .NET Veteran | WinForms Enthusiast | Automating the mundane, one line of C# at a time."
Ralph Wong wangzhitao81
20+ years program soldier

CRRC Dalian ,China

Francesco Franchef
.NET Developer


Fabrício Almeida fabricioalmeida-me
.NET Developer interested in full-stack development with C#, React, Nextjs and Azure.

Almeida Curitiba/PR - Brasil

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Henry Mogollón HenryMogollon
Software Engineer & Passionate Developer.

Senior Developer Medellín, Colombia

ArunKumar Arunkumarvp
Arunkumar is a passionate and dedicated software developer who is embarking on an exciting journey in the field. With a degree in Computer Science,


Ashish Jain ashishnjain

naapbooks limited Ahmedabad

Hoverhuang Hoverhuang-er
🚀 SRE | Azure | Cloud Service Provider | Developer | System Engineer

Microsoft Shanghai, China

Nguyễn Đình Ánh git03-Nguyen

HCMC University of Science Ho Chi Minh City

Atiqur Rahman Foyshal atiq-bs23
Software Engineer

Brain Station 23 PLC Bangladesh