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Ivone Djaja IvoneDjaja
Hi there! I will update my projects this week, stay tuned!
Sett Sarverott Sarverott
Metallurgist, Artificer, Technomancer
Batman kjsingh
Noob Scala developer

AWS Vancouver, Canada

tibz.eth tibo-pdn
Focused Developer

@raccord-io Los Angeles


Red Hat Beijing

Alen Mistric alenmeister

@omnysecurity Oslo, Norway

Hamed Mahmoudkhani ainyava
Software Developer

MCI Next Iran / Tehran

James Herdman jherdman
Developer at @nulogy (formerly @PrecisionNutrition). Passionate singer of bedtime songs, and sometimes boulderer.

@nulogy Toronto, ON

Marco Molteni marco-m
Lifelong learner. Gopher. Simplicity requires discipline.


Kcorac kcorac
I'm an extremely handsome Muki that tries to make games with Kala.

Independent & Handsome Perú

Grupo Menezes S/A FloydMenezesok
Somos uma plataforma financeira para com o objetivo de comprar, reestruturar e vender empresas que passam em nossos requisitos .

Grupo Menezes S/A.: Centro Comercial Narniano, Rua do Sucesso… Esquina da Felicidade N- 1%

Carlos Aguilar carlitoswhey29
Enterprise Developer | Software Security Engineer
MohamadAli debMan
telecom. eng, python, and Linux lover, in favor of freedom, toward DevOps, Clouds, SRE, bike rider

@snapp-cab @snapp-incubator Middle East


Tcrode IT & Communication System

Salah hazaa salahhazaea
I am dev salahhazaa

Globlost 60 st, Sanaa, 1022, YE

awash AWash227
bleep. bloop.
Théo Tchilinguirian theotchlx
Combining open source and scientific research. Making software as simple as it needs to be.

hazardous conditions unspecified place on precarious terrain

M Yusuf Yussaffi
Tinkering Systems| Active - Jan'25


Shashank Priyadarshi shashank-priyadarshi
Engineering grad 2021. Web Dev.

Nasdaq Pune

LLCretan lcretan
Cretan say Cretan lie. Find their truth.