An attempt of dependency manager for Qt / C++, because I am sick of managing each C++ piece of code separately!
The current version is still a work in progress but is fully usable for simple and complex projects!
Check the FAQ to understand "Why Qompoter?", but here is what Qompoter is good for:
- easily share the required source dependencies of your Qt / C++ project with a team
- describe them in a "qompoter.json" file
- let Qompoter search and download them for you into a "vendor" directory
- share C++ code to the inqlude repository, a development forge (like Github) or any local or remote Qompotist-fs repository
- ease the repetability of the build thanks to the lock file
- work with several platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac, ...)
- keep it simple
Qompoter is also useful to share library (or binary) dependencies of you Qt / C++ project. However, keep in mind this is not that simple, this requires precompiling these dependencies somewhere for all your required targets (x86, x86_64, ARM, ...).
Qompoter requires Bash, Git, sed. Other tools like rsync, curl (or wget) and tar (or zip) may be useful for some advanced cases.
It works on Linux, including Busibox Linux based system like Alpine, and Windows (using Git bash).
It also works on MacOS, but requires additional packages to be installed with Homebrew ( brew install gnu-sed && brew install coreutils
, then make sure to add these to your path, in order to use GNU sed and GNU date instead of the MacOS version:
It should also work on FreeBSD and more widely on Windows (Cygwin or Mysys command line) because it is Bash based, but I did not test it yet.
Using npm
$ npm install -g qompoter
$ qompoter --version
Qompoter v0.6.0
Light dependency manager for C++/Qt by Fylhan
Download it from Github and move it to a place accessible in the PATH
$ wget -O && sudo mv /usr/bin/qompoter
$ qompoter --version
Qompoter v0.6.0
Light dependency manager for C++/Qt by Fylhan
The MD5 sum of v0.5.1 version is 6975405fd3b5cda0164765c870dedcb6
The SHA512 sum of v0.5.1 version is 76009f6225ca9137c5ed298ffb4f3138007dd4fe3c6d3beed98499b179316ae7d62dde22d6f9601ec7cb4e9a72928f2a755288d8f87f8e9a70cda398b9f0c724
To enable autocompletion, download the script and source it in your ~/.bashrc
wget -O && sudo mv /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/qompoter
echo "test [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/qompoter ]; source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/qompoter" >> ~/.bashrc
A Debian package can be generated using the script available in resources/
. Please share feedback!
In your project, create a qompoter.json file:
"name": "george/return-of-the-jedi",
"description": "Three things remains: faith, hope and love.",
"keywords": ["Jedi", "Force", "Faith", "Hope", "Love"],
"authors": [
"name": "George Lucas",
"homepage": ""
"require": {
"young/luke": "v0.2.1-beta",
"young/leia": "v0.5.*",
"old/yoda": "dev-master"
"require-dev": {
"milenium-falcon/han": "v1.0"
"repositories": {
"old/yoda" : ""
Then, download and install dependencies listed in your qompoter.json
qompoter update
For more information about the command line options, use qompoter --help
or check the online help.
That's it! Qompoter has downloaded all required dependencies into the vendor
directory and you can now include vendor.pri
in the .pro
file of your project, and use the dependencies that you required:
CONFIG += luke leia yoda han
Let's start coding!
During development, if you want to change / upgrade the version of an existing package, add or remove packages: update the qompoter.json
file accordingly and run again qompoter update
If you reached a milestone of your project and wanted to provide a backup of your project's dependencies, run qompoter export
to create an archive file of the vendor
directory, or qompoter export --repo <path to a directory>
to create a Qompotist-fs repository on which you can run qompoter update
. You may want to use qompoter inspect
before to check you did not modified manually any packages in the vendor
The qompoter update
has been introduced and is identical to the <0.4 qompoter install
action: take the qompoter.json
, download dependencies and generate a qompoter.lock
file listing the downloaded versions.
The qompoter install
action has been modified as follow: take the qompoter.lock
and download dependencies. This allows to download the same version used by the last qompoter update
without computing again the potential variadic version numbers.
Documentation is available online and in the gh-pages
branch inside the docs
- Concept of packages
- Concept of repositories
- Concept of package's versions
- How to create a Qompoter.json file?
- How to create a Qompoter.pri file?
- What is this qompote.pri file?
- Command line interface
- Contribution guide
There is a previsional roadmap.
- Qompoter is distributed under the LGPL3+ license. Therefore, you can freely use it in any projects, even closed ones. Just keep in mind that if you modify Qompoter, you shall provide these updates as open source. Thanks!
- Qompoter is using under the MIT and Apache 2 license. Qompoter unit tests are also based on the architecture.
Please feel free to contribute.
If you have any ideas, critics, suggestions or whatever you want to call it, please open an issue. I will be happy to hear from you what you would like to see in this tool. I think about all suggestions, and I try to add those that make sense.