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This repository contains the current state of BAF, the Build Architecture with Fab. BAF is an object-oriented command line interface on top of the UK Met Office build system Fab (, which is currently stored in this repository. It also contains LFRic-BAF, a complete new Fab-based build system for the UK Met Office's LFRic simulation code.

For now, you need to install this LFRic build system into existing LFRic repositories. This way, building with Fab can be tested before the new Fab build system becomes part of the LFRic repos. The documentation here describes how to install the LFRic build scripts into existing LFRic repositories. This setup has been tested with gfortran and ifort, this description assumes the usage of gfortran.


In order to use the build procedure below, you need to have:

  • gfortran (ifort can also be used, but the instructions here are all written for gfortran. To use ifort, replace --suite gnu with -suite intel-classic, and gfortran with ifort etc)
  • mpif90 as a compiler wrapper that calls gfortran
  • the correct rose-picker version (2.0.0)
  • libclang and python-clang
  • All lfric dependencies must be available, including:
    • netcdf (including nf-config)
    • hdf5
    • xios, yaxt

The current scripts only support current LFRic trunk, i.e. they won't work with LFRic 1.1 (due to missing directories in 1.1).

Installing Fab build system into LFRic

This repository comes with a version of Fab as a submodule, to make sure the scripts here have the matching Fab version available.

You need to have current trunk of PSyclone installed ( The API changes significantly in current trunk (a 3.0 release is expected shortly), and the config file included in LFRic and the example script relies on these new feature. This could be changed to support both 2.5.0 and current trunk later.


Check out this repository:

git clone -b main  --recurse-submodules [email protected]:MetOffice/lfric-baf

If you already have cloned this repository without the --recurse-submodules option, run:

git submodule init
git submodule update

to get Fab from the submodule.

Assuming that you prefer to use a python virtual environment, use the following:

 # Create a virtual environment and install psyclone
 cd lfric-baf
 python3 -m venv venv_fab
 source ./venv_fab/bin/activate
 # Install current PSyclone
 git clone
 cd PSyclone
 pip3 install .

Install the included fab version:

 # Now install this fab:
 cd external/fab
 pip3 install .     # Without venv, use pip3 install --user .
 cd ../..

Then you need to copy the build system into the two LFRic repositories - core and apps. Assuming that the two environment variable LFRIC_CORE and LFRIC_APPS point to the checked out LFRic repositories, use:


The script will do some simple tests to verify that the core and apps directory indeed contain the expected LFRic repositories.

Fab-based build scripts will be installed into:

- apps/applications/gravity_wave
- apps/applications/gungho_model
- apps/applications/lfric_atm
- apps/applications/lfricinputs
- core/applications/skeleton
- core/mesh_tools

Site-specific configuration

The fab build scripts will pickup site-specific configuration from directories under $LFRIC_CORE/infrastructure/build/fab/default.

For now (until we have more changes implemented), it is recommended to copy the whole directory default to a new subdirectory YOURSITE_default, e.g. nci_default (which already exists). It is important that _default is added (this is to support future setups that have different targets for one SITE, e.g. meto_spice, meto_xc40, meto_xcs). Also make sure to use an underscore before default, not a minus (since using a minus prevents python from importing files from these subdirectories). Then modify the file and if required add or modify linking options, which are defined in the lines:

    linker.add_lib_flags("netcdf", nc_flibs, silent_replace=True)
    linker.add_lib_flags("yaxt", ["-lyaxt", "-lyaxt_c"])
    linker.add_lib_flags("xios", ["-lxios"])
    linker.add_lib_flags("hdf5", ["-lhdf5"])

The first parameter specifies the internal name for libraries, followed by a list of linker options. If you should need additional library paths, you could e.g. use:

    linker.add_lib_flags("yaxt", ["-L", "/my/path/to/yaxt", "-lyaxt", "-lyaxt_c"])

It is important that each parameter (esp. -L etc) is an individual entry in the list, otherwise they will not be properly recognised by the linker.

Similarly, you can change the compiler flags in the lines:

gfortran = tr.get_tool(Category.FORTRAN_COMPILER, "gfortran")
flags = ['-ffree-line-length-none', '-g',
         '-Werror=character-truncation', '-Werror=unused-value',
         '-Werror=tabs', '-fdefault-real-8', '-fdefault-double-8',


In order to use the Fab build system, a wrapper script installed in the LFRic core repository needs to be used. You need to start the build from the LFRic apps (or core) repo (not from this repo). Example usage (but don't try this now):

cd $LFRIC_APPS/applications/lfric_atm

The wrapper script makes sure that the build scripts installed into the core repository will be found. Even if you are building an application in core, you still need to invoke the script!

The new LFRic FAB build system relies on command line options to select compiler etc. For building lfric_atm with gfortran (using mpif90 as a compiler wrapper that uses gfortran), use:

$LFRIC_CORE/ ./ --site YOURSITE --suite gnu \
   -mpi -fc mpif90-gfortran -ld  linker-mpif90-gfortran

Note that the there is no _default added to the site, this will be added implicitly by fab. This behaviour is meant for future improvements when the fab system will support different targets for one site. The options in detail:

  • --site will make sure your modified config file is used to setup compiler options
  • --suite gnu Makes the gnu compiler suite and related compiler wrapper the default
  • -mpi Enables MPI build
  • --fc mpif90-gfortran Selects the Fortran compiler. Here mpif90 as compiler wrapper around gfortran will be used. If your mpif90 should not be using gfortran (e.g. it might be using intel), this will be detected and the build will be aborted.
  • --ld linkfer-mpif90-gfortran Specifies the linker.

It is not strictly necessary to specify the compiler and linker, selecting gnu as compiler suite and specifying -mpi will be sufficient. But if your site installs additional tools (e.g. we have profiling compiler wrappers), an unexpected compiler or linker might be picked, hence it is recommended to be explicit.

The build directory will be under $FAB_WORKSPACE, with the name containing the application and compiler, e.g. lfric_atm-mpif90-gfortran. If $FAB_WORKSPACE is not defined, it defaults to $HOME/fab-workspace. The build directory will contain the binary, all original source files will be under source, and all files created during build (including preprocessed files, PSyclone modified files, object files, ...) under build_output.

Running PSyclone on UM files

This repository contains an additional script that shows how to use PSyclone to additionally transform existing Fortran code using PSyclone's transformation ability for the LFRic_atm apps. The script is called ./ It inherits the required source files from ./ in the same directory, and it is in turn based on $LFRIC_CORE/infrastructure/build/fab/ and in the same directory. The two base classes in LFRIC_CORE provide command line handling, running PSyclone on .x90 files etc. The application script itself selects the requires source files and other repositories, and specifies which libraries are required at link time. The example script ./ only contains the change required to add an additional PSyclone step. It defines two methods:

  • psyclone. This step overwrites the default PSyclone step. It first calls the original psyclone method (which processes all .x90 files). Then it loops over a list of files (with one file only specified as example), and calls psyclone for these files, creating a new output file with _psyclonified added to the file name. Then it replaces the original filename in the FORTRAN_BUILD_FILES artefact with the newly create file (with psyclonified added). Once this is done, the rest of the build system will then only compile the newly created file, the original file will not be compiled at all.
  • get_um_script This method is passed to the psyclone process method, and it is used to determine which psyclone script is used to transform the specified file. In this example, it will always return optimisation/ This script simple adds three comment lines at the top of the file.

Make sure to be in the LFRic applications repository with lfric_atm, then you can build lfric_atm using

cd $LFRIC_APPS/applications/lfric_atm
$LFRIC_CORE/ ./ --site YOURSITE --suite gnu \
   -mpi -fc mpif90-gfortran -ld  linker-mpif90-gfortran

This will create a new directory under FAB_WORKSPACE called lfric_atm_um_transform-mpif90-gfortran. After the build process, you can check that the file bdy_impl3 was transformed (some files have been removed in the output below, so you will see more):

~/fab-workspace/lfric_atm_um_transform-mpif90-gfortran$ find  . -iname bdy_impl3\*

The first line is the original input file. The next is the preprocessed file, which is then processed by psyclone with the Then there is only one .o file created, for the psyclonified file.

The two f90 files under build_output will be quite different (since PSyclone removes comments and changes the layout), but at the top of the file you will see the lines:

! Processed by
! ------------------------

The explicitly adds these comments to each file it processes.


Architecture Build Configuration with Fab (placeholder)








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