,普通的全栈高二技术宅,十足的摆烂壬,有强烈的为小⑤的(Archived -_-)知名项目做出贡献其实说白了就是女装的冲动,喜欢数学但不怎么喜欢几何和代数,在技术上毫无建树,梦想院校是上海交通大学(致远)。有常年不更新的博客一个,写了些文笔很烂的议论文,还有些我自己的学习思考,希望各位大佬莅临参观。
This is MineCreeper86
, a common full stack Senior 2 geek, have intense impulse to contribute on the famous repo of Satori-Komeiji In fact, feminine dressing, like Maths Not geometry, no remarkable advancement on technology, dream school is SJTU. Have a not-regularly-updated blog and've written some bad articles and thought of study, hope you'll visit.
- 屎山低创半成品轮子注意!
能跑就行 - 当心云二刺螈!
- 你要糟!是N难度飞机佬!
- 疑似发现你站最大有害垃圾!
二年级在父亲引导下体验了Visual Basic
When I was in Grade 2, I tried Visual Basic
in order to follow father's guide, but paused by limited English skill. Started coding in Java
in Grade 5, temporarily haven't taken lessons. Used Microbit in Grade 5 and Arduino in Junior 2, because of Arduino, I studied C#
. In Junior 3, tried Python
and JavaScript
due to projects but can hardly code.
>> Python
= JavaScript
> C#
> Visual Basic
Although I've coded a lot, but there aren't so many stars (It's quite normal since my works are almost all semi-finished products). These several ones may be the only ones can be barely used and covers a huge range of language types and aspects.
JCSUF (as main collaborator)
Bilibili API Collect (as main collaborator)
A program using RNN algorithm as the core, to encrypt text into another natural language text throught a password.