The Sumo Logic Elasticsearch library provides Elasticsearch bindings with a Scala DSL. Unlike other Scala libraries like elastic4s this library targets the REST API. The REST API has a two primary advantages:
- Ability to upgrade Elasticsearch without the need to atomically also upgrade the client.
- Ability to use hosted Elasticsearch such as the version provided by AWS.
This project is currently targeted at Elasticsearch 6.0.x. For ES 2.3 compatibility see version 3 (release-3.*
Along with a basic Elasticsearch client (elasticsearch-core
), helper functionality for using Elasticsearch with Akka (elasticssearch-akka
) and AWS (elasticsearch-aws
) is also provided. The goal of the DSL is to keep it as simple as possible, occasionally sacrifing some end-user boilerplate to maintain a DSL that is easy to modify and add to. The DSL attempts to be type-safe in that it should be impossible to create an invalid Elasticsearch query. Rather than be as compact as possible, the DSL aims to closely reflect the JSON it generates when reasonable. This makes it easier discover how to access functionality than a traditional maximally compact DSL.
The library components are offered a la carte:
contains the basic Elasticsearch client and typesafe DSLelasticsearch-aws_2.11
contains utilities for using AWS Hosted Elasticsearch.elasticsearch-akka_2.11
contains Actors to use with Akka & Akka Streams
All client methods return futures that can be composed to perform multiple actions.
val restClient = new RestlasticSearchClient(new StaticEndpoint(new Endpoint(host, port)))
val index = Index("index-name")
val tpe = Type("type")
val indexFuture = for {
_ <- restClient.createIndex(index)
indexResult <- restClient.index(index, tpe, Document("docId", Map("text" -> "Hello World!")))
Await.result(indexFuture, 10.seconds)
// Need to wait for a flush. In ElasticsearchIntegrationTest, you can just call "refresh()"
restClient.query(index, tpe, QueryRoot(TermQuery("text", "Hello World!"))).map { res =>
println(res.sourceAsMap) // List(Map(text -> Hello World))
} provides other basic examples.
The BulkIndexer actor provides a single-document style interface that actually delegates to the bulk API. This allows you to keep your code simple while still getting the performance benefits of bulk inserts and updates. The BulkIndexerActor has two configurable parameters:
: The number of documents at which a bulk request will be flushedflushDuration
: If themaxDocuments
limit is not hit, it will flush afterflushDuration
val restClient: RestlasticSearchClient = ...
val (index, tpe) = (Index("i"), Type("t"))
// Designed for potentially dynamic configuration:
val config = new BulkConfig(
flushDuration = () => FiniteDuration(2, TimeUnit.Seconds),
maxDocuments = () => 2000)
val bulkActor = context.actorOf(BulkIndexerActor.props(restClient, config))
val sess = BulkSession.create()
val resultFuture = bulkActor ? CreateRequest(sess, index, tpe, Document("id", Map("k" -> "v")))
val resultFuture2 = bulkActor ? CreateRequest(sess, index, tpe, Document("id", Map("k" -> "v")))
// The resultFuture contains a `sessionId` you can use to match up replies with requests assuming you do not use
// the ask pattern as above.
// The two requests will be batched into a single bulk request and sent to Elasticsearch
You can also use the Bulk api directly via the REST client:
restClient.bulkIndex(index, tpe, Seq(doc1, doc2, doc3))
One common way to configure AWS Elasticsearch is with IAM roles. This requires you to sign every request you send to Elasticsearch with your use key. The elasticsearch-aws
module includes a request signer for this purpose:
import com.sumologic.elasticsearch.util.AwsRequestSigner
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials
val awsCredentials = _ // Credentials for the AWS user that has permissions to access Elasticsearch
val signer = new AwsRequestSigner(awsCredentials, "REGION", "es")
// You can also create your own dynamic endpoint class based off runtime configuration or the AWS API.
val endpoint = new StaticEndpoint(new Endpoint("", 443))
val restClient = new RestlasticSearchClient(endpoint, Some(signer))
will now sign every request automatically with your AWS credentials.
Sumo Logic Elasticsearch uses Maven and the Maven GPG Plug-in for builds and testing. After cloning the repository make sure you have a GPG key created. Then run maven clean install
To build project in default Scala version:
./gradlew build
To build project in any supported Scala version:
./gradlew build -PscalaVersion=2.12.8
Tests in this project are run against local Elasticsearch servers es23 es63.
For testing, change your consumer pom.xml
to depend on the SNAPSHOT
version generated.
Make sure, your consumer can resolve artifacts from a local repository.
This project supports multiple versions of Scala. Supported versions are listed in
- list of supported versions (Gradle prevents building with versions from outside this list)defaultScalaVersion
- default version of Scala used for building - can be overridden with-PscalaVersion
- Make sure you have all credentials - access to
Open Source
vault in 1Password.- Can login as
sumoapi - Can import and verify the signing key (
vault):gpg --import ~/Desktop/api.private.key gpg-agent --daemon touch a gpg --use-agent --sign a gpg -k
- Have nexus and signing credentials in
nexus_username=sumoapi nexus_password=${sumoapi_password_for_sonatype_nexus} signing.gnupg.executable=gpg signing.gnupg.keyName=${id_of_imported_sumoapi_key} signing.gnupg.passphrase=${password_for_imported_sumoapi_key}
- Can login as
- Remove
suffix fromversion
- Make a release branch with Scala version and project version, ex.
:export RELEASE_VERSION=elasticsearch-client-7.1.10 git checkout -b ${RELEASE_VERSION} git add build.gradle git commit -m "[release] ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
- Perform a release in selected Scala versions (make sure both commands pass without any errors, otherwise go to the link below, drop created repo(s) and try again):
./gradlew build publish -PscalaVersion=2.11.12 ./gradlew build publish -PscalaVersion=2.12.8
- Go to, search for com.sumologic, close and release your repo (there should only be one). NOTE: If you had to login, reload the URL. It doesn't take you to the right page post-login
- Update the
with the new version and set upcoming snapshotversion
, ex.7.1.11-SNAPSHOT
- Commit the change and push as a PR:
git add build.gradle git commit -m "[release] Updating version after release ${RELEASE_VERSION}" git push