Hi there, I'm Nikita

Email: [email protected]
Telegram: https://t.me/Javascripteez
Github: https://github.com/Uzhastin-Nikita
Frontend developer. A specialist with good knowledge and experience in developing in Typescript, JavaScript, Python. Knowledge of algorithms, web standards, core technologies, code quality requirements, latest backend and frontend technology updates. Active team player with experience in supporting young professionals.
Languages: Javascript, Typescript, Python, HTML5, CSS3, SQL
DBM: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MS SQL, MongoDB
Tools: Chrome Extensions, Lighthouse, MongoDB compass, Git Bash, GitHub Desktop, VS Code Remote, Swagger, Draw.io
JS: NodeJS, Express, React, React Query, React Testing Library, Storybook, HTML, CSS, SCSS, Styled Components, Redux, Mobx, GraphQL, Vue3, Chrome Extensions, VS Code Extensions, Jest, Mocha, Webpack, Rollup, Babel
CMS: Hugo, OpenCart
Testing: Unit Tests, Integration Tests, Jest, Mocha/Chai, React Testing Library, pytest
CI/CD: Docker, Docker compose, Github Actions, Gitlab CI, AWS, Nginx, SSH
OS: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Arch, Manjaro), MacOS (Monterey, Ventura)
Other: OOP and functional programming, Agile (scrum, kanban)