- Allocate as much memory as you want* with these simple custom allocators. (The amount of memory is limited to the physical memory in your machine.)
- Easy to use without the CRT or malloc.
- Doesn't include library headers if you don't need it to.
- Doesn't include operating system headers at all.
- Compiles as C89 and C++ on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- Templatized versions of allocation functions for C++ for easier memory
safety (use
to enable these).
As of version 0.1, the library compiles with no warnings under gcc, clang
and MSVC, however, it is barely tested, and should be considered beta
software. You may encounter issues on untested OSes such as BSD; your
best bet is to #define WB_ALLOC_CUSTOM_BACKEND
and implement the backend
functions as your OS requires.
If you run into a problem where the allocators fail, try including your system's headers for virtual memory and system info.
/* Windows */
#include <Windows.h>
/* Linux */
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* macOS */
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
There are also some convenience features missing, such as being able to directly free/clear a memory pool and tagged heap.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "wb_alloc.h"
int main()
wb_MemoryInfo info;
wb_MemoryArena* arena;
int i;
/* MemoryInfo contains the information about the system's
total memory, page size, and sets some defaults about the
amount of memory committed at once */
info = wb_getMemoryInfo();
/* Bootstrapping the arena means that it allocates the memory
for itself, then stores its own struct at the beginning */
arena = wb_arenaBootstrap(info, wb_FlagArenaNormal);
/* Make some room for numbers! */
int* numbers1 = wb_arenaPush(arena, sizeof(int) * 100);
int* numbers2 = wb_arenaPush(arena, sizeof(int) * 200);
int* numbers3 = wb_arenaPush(arena, sizeof(int) * 400);
int* numbers4 = wb_arenaPush(arena, sizeof(int) * 800);
for(i = 0; i < 1500; ++i) {
numbers1[i] = 1500 - i;
for(i = 0; i < 1500; ++i) {
printf("%d ", numbers[i]);
/* Clearing the arena decommits all its committed pages then
recommits them, which is guaranteed on modern operating
systems to zero them */
wb_arenaPush(arena, sizeof(int) * 1500);
for(i = 0; i < 1500; ++i) {
printf("%d\n", numbers[i]);
return 0;
void* wb_arenaPush(
wb_MemoryArena* arena,
wb_isize size);
wb_MemoryArena* wb_arenaBootstrap(
wb_MemoryInfo info,
wb_flags flags);
Inspired by the Handmade Hero memory management structure, my memory arena is a variation on a "linear allocator" or a "bump-pointer allocator". It starts by allocating a large region of memory, returning a pointer to it, then incrementing the pointer by the amount of space requested.
This kind of allocation is extremely fast, but does not allow for easy deallocation of individual objects; however, in practice, this tends not to be a problem. The entire arena is easily freed at once, which is often fine for things like state transitions.
The memory arena has a couple variants that can be enabled via flag
turns the arena from a linear allocator into a stack allocator. With this, you can always pop (or rather, free) the last allocation on the stack, which will let you pop the previous one, and so on, until the stack is empty. -
stores extra information at the beginning of each allocation. While this is by default an 8-byte integer, it can be changed by definingWB_ALLOC_EXTENDED_INFO
to the type of your choice. This is designed to aid with serialization.
These flags may be used together.
void* wb_poolRetrieve(wb_MemoryPool* pool);
void wb_poolRelease(wb_MemoryPool* pool, void* ptr);
wb_MemoryPool* wb_poolBootstrap(
wb_MemoryInfo info,
wb_flags flags);
The memory pool is a simple fixed-size free-list allocator. It allows you to freely allocate and free fixed-size objects with no external fragmentation. This kind of allocation is good when you have many of the same object that need to be created and destroyed frequently, such as entities in a game world.
Using a memory arena under the hood, the memory pool can allocate until it runs out of virtual memory.
void* wb_taggedAlloc(
wb_TaggedHeap* heap,
wb_isize tag,
wb_usize size);
void wb_taggedFree(wb_TaggedHeap* heap, wb_isize tag);
wb_TaggedHeap* wb_taggedBoostrap(
wb_MemoryInfo info,
wb_isize arenaSize,
wb_flags flags);
This one is inspired by the Naughty Dog GDC talk about using fibers to multithread their engine. They mention this as their solution to the overuse of wasteful memory arenas. The tagged heap behaves like a memory pool of memory arenas; that is, when you allocate, you specify a tag, and then you can free all the memory allocated under a single tag at once. It does this efficiently by allocating fixed-size arenas under the hood and allocating out of those as needed per-tag.
The tagged heap is the most flexible allocator in the library, allowing you to allocate almost as freely as with malloc and free if you find your deallocations apply to many related objects at once.
To put it bluntly: this library abuses virtual memory.
Well, maybe not that strongly; however, this library makes contradictory promises:
Allocators that are easy to use, ie, don't require you to do extra work when you need more memory.
The allocators are also better than what the standard libraries provide you with along any number of axes, such as performance, fragmentation, and understandability.
(I realize these aren't strictly contradictory, but they sound like they should be)
To accomplish both of these I sold my soul decided to rely on the
virtual memory capabilities of the operating system. On Windows,
especially, it is easy to use VirtualAlloc and VirtualFree to create
a large contiguous memory space. This space has almost no real memory cost
until you start commiting pages out of it. By using this capability (which
is possible to do on posix systems with some fanangling), a memory arena
will happily reserve as much memory as you want it to. I figure a sane
default is an amount equal to the amount of physical memory in the
machine. Though I realize you could also go far beyond that (the commit
limit on windows is that + 3x the size of the page file I believe), on its
own, I fear this might not be the safest way to do business. However, the
benefits are real:
You get very large contiguous ranges of memory to work with.
While the amount of memory you have isn't infinite, it might as well be for most projects
If you were ever to run out of memory, you'd be in trouble anyway.
With that said, we move on to...
These are mostly things I've thought of relating to the implementation, which might catch you off-guard if you aren't familiar with how allocators like these tend to work behind the scenes.
A general note: to match the behavior of VirtualAlloc and similar, all
memory returned by these allocators is zeroed by default. However, this is
not a free operation, and as such, there exists a family of flags
that disables the use of memset to zero
memory. However, memset is still used to zero the object's memory in the
initialization functions. This can be disabled by specifying
The memory arena will happily allocate memory until it runs out of virtual space. When it about to run out of committed memory, it commits more, which means you might end up calling an OS function on any allocation in the library.
To alleviate this worry, I have added a wb_Flag<Allocator>FixedSize
to each allocator, which allows you to initialize them with a buffer of
memory that they aren't allowed to overrun. While this will not call
operating system functions at runtime, you have to pay for the memory up
front instead.
Memory arenas also have the capability to define a temporary head for
a simple, one-off stack-like behavior. When the temporary state is ended,
the arena, in addition to moving the head pointer to its original place,
decommits and recommits the temporary pages by default. This may be
disabled by using the wb_FlagArenaNoRecommit
flag. However, to match the
behavior of memory from VirtualAlloc, it will instead memset those pages
to zero instead, which may also be disabled.
Internally, the memory pool uses a free list of freed objects. To prevent
double free errors, it walks the list every time you attempt to free an
object. This can be disabled via the wb_FlagPoolNoDoubleFreeCheck
I feel that this may be safely disabled if you know what you're doing when
you turn on release mode.
Another possible gotcha of the memory pool is that, while it will not
encounter external fragmentation, which would possibly decrease the amount
of available memory over time, it can run into internal fragmentation,
which may lead to poor cache behavior if you iterate over its contained
objects in order. If, rather than holding onto individual pointers, you
plan on accessing the pool's contents as an array, you can specify
, which will move the last element into the removed
element's slot when freeing. This keeps the array of elements contiguous,
but will invalidate pointers from the previous free.
I mentioned earlier that the tagged heap behaves like a pool of arenas, and the caveats that apply to both apply to it, to an extent. It too sits upon a single, expanding memory arena to back itself and its memory pool. Its internal arenas are fixed size, which means that you cannot allocate an object larger than an arena. I'm not sure how the actual Naughty Dog implementation works, but they mentioned their internal buffers were 2 megabytes each, which is probably enough for one-off allocations in things like games.
Another limitation of the tagged heap is that, for simplicity, it simply
stores an array of pointers to its arenas, and uses its numerical tags to
index into that. By default, only space for 64 arenas is created, but this
may be modified by changing WB_ALLOC_TAGGED_HEAP_MAX_TAG_COUNT
to you
preferred number. It is intended that you simply create your tags in an
enum starting from zero.
When allocating in a tagged heap, it is possible that the current arena
for the specific tag would run out of room. By default, the tagged heap
will retrieve another arena from its pool and use that. This is wasteful
if you are allocating objects large enough that only one fits in an arena
in addition to a bunch of smaller objects. To mitigate this, you can set
the flag wb_FlagTaggedHeapSearchForBestFit
, which changes the behavior
to search for the best of the first 8 (by default) arenas to put the
object in.
C++ adds a significant amount of friction when working with malloc and
similar because it removes automatic void*
coercion to other pointer
types. The internals use casts to get around this, but this is especially
unpleasant in the calling code. To alleviate this, I have added
templatized overloads of every function that takes a size or returns
a pointer, a few of which are listed listed here:
template<typename T, int n = 1>
T* wb_arenaPush(wb_MemoryArena* arena);
template<typename T>
T* wb_poolRetrieve(wb_MemoryPool* pool);
template<typename T>
wb_MemoryPool* wb_poolBootstrap(wb_MemoryInfo info,
wb_flags flags);
template<typename T, int n = 1>
T* wb_taggedAlloc(wb_TaggedHeap* heap, wb_isize tag);
void example(wb_MemoryArena* arena, wb_MemoryInfo info)
auto numbers = wb_arenaPush<int, 1000>(arena);
auto thing10 = wb_arenaPush<Thing>(arena);
// numbers = (int*)wb_arenaPush(arena, sizeof(int) * 1000);
// thing10 = (Thing*)wb_arenaPush(arena, sizeof(Thing));
auto thingPool = wb_poolBootstrap<Thing>(info);
/* MemoryPools don't actually remember what type they were
initialized with, so you have to specify on allocation too */
auto thing2 = wb_poolRetrieve<Thing>(thingPool);
auto thing3 = wb_poolRetrieve<Thing>(thingPool);
auto thing4 = wb_poolRetrieve<Thing>(thingPool);
// thing5 = (Thing*)wb_poolRetrieve(thingPool);
This library is largely complete for its scope, and mostly needs some amount of robust testing. Potentially, I have a few features planned:
- A double ended arena, behaving like the heap/stack behavior we all know.
- Versions backed by malloc to use quickly if you don't want to use the virtual memory versions.
- Fixed-size only versions of the allocators for complete memory-source agnosticism.
I'm also considering writing an Odin version.