Golang based SDK for kernel eBPF operations i.e, load/attach/detach eBPF programs and create/delete/update maps. SDK relies on Unix bpf() system calls.
SDK currently supports -
- eBPF program types - a. Traffic Classifiers b. XDP c. Kprobes/Kretprobes d. Tracepoint probes
- Ring buffer (would need kernel 5.10+)
SDK currently do not support -
- Map in Map
- Perf buffer
Contributions welcome!
Note: This is the first version of SDK and interface is subject to change so kindly review the release notes before upgrading.
Run make build-linux
- this will build the sdk binary.
clang -I../../.. -O2 -target bpf -c <C file> -o <ELF file>
Note: SDK expects the BPF File System (/sys/fs/bpf) to be mounted.
In your application,
- Get the latest SDK -
GOPROXY=direct go get github.com/aws/aws-ebpf-sdk-go
- Import the elfparser -
goebpfelfparser "github.com/aws/aws-ebpf-sdk-go/pkg/elfparser"
- Load the elf -
goebpfelfparser.LoadBpfFile(<ELF file>, <custom pin path>)
On a successful load, SDK returns -
- loaded programs (includes associated maps)
This is indexed by the pinpath -
type BpfData struct {
Program ebpf_progs.BpfProgram // Return the program
Maps map[string]ebpf_maps.BpfMap // List of associated maps
- All maps in the elf file
This is indexed by the map name -
type BpfMap struct {
MapFD uint32
MapID uint32
MapMetaData CreateEBPFMapInput
Application can specify custom pinpath while loading the elf file.
Maps and Programs pinpath location is not customizable with the current version of SDK and will be installed under the below locations by default -
Program PinPath - "/sys/fs/bpf/globals/aws/programs/"
Map PinPath - "/sys/fs/bpf/globals/aws/maps/"
Map defintion should follow the below definition else the SDK will fail to create the map.
struct bpf_map_def_pvt {
__u32 type;
__u32 key_size;
__u32 value_size;
__u32 max_entries;
__u32 map_flags;
__u32 pinning;
__u32 inner_map_fd;
SDK logs are located here /var/log/aws-routed-eni/ebpf-sdk.log
Run sudo make unit-test
Note: you would need to run this on you linux system
Go to -
cd test/
sudo make run-test
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
If you think you’ve found a potential security issue, please do not post it in the Issues. Instead, please follow the instructions here or email AWS security directly.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.