14 commits
to main-ose
since this release
Note: This version removes support for the deprecated TLS versions 1.0 and TLS 1.1, as required by RFC 8996.
What's Changed
Bug fixes
- [CI] Use if: !cancelled() instead of if: always() by @rfc2822 in #1266
- MKCALENDAR does not send valid calendar-timezone by @ArnyminerZ in #1251
- Syncer SecurityException: disable permission notification for now by @rfc2822 in #1284
- Update cert4android to avoid Conscrypt crash in custom certificate handling by @rfc2822 in #1290
- Open-source intro page: don't select a "dont show for... months" option by default by @rfc2822 in #1287
- Add migration for Syncer URL → ID change by @rfc2822 in #1285
- Use DI for HttpClient.Builder by @rfc2822 in #1250
- MockK: use MockkRule if possible by @rfc2822 in #1269
- Use ID to match DB collections with content provider collections by @sunkup in #1274
- Move authority and ContentProvider creation to LocalDataStore by @rfc2822 in #1272
Full Changelog: v4.4.6-ose...v4.4.7-ose