Real-time ChatGPT service, support GPT3/GPT4, support conversation and generate pictures from sentences
- chatgpt-service:
- chatgpt-service is a backend service, used to receive chatGPT messages in real time, and feed back to chatGPT-stream in real time through websocket
- chatgpt-stream:
- chatgpt-stream is a front-end service that receives messages returned by chatGPT-service in real time through websocket
- Real-time conversation mode
- Generate picture patterns from sentences
# Pull source code
git clone
cd chatgpt-service
# ChatGPT's registration page:
# ChatGPT registration tutorial:
# ChatGPT API key management page:
# Modify the config.yaml configuration file, modify the apiKey, and change it to your API key
vi config.yaml
# your API key
apiKey: "xxxxxx"
# create pictures directory
mkdir -p assets
chown -R 1000:1000 assets
# Start the service with docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
# Check service status
docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
chatgpt-service /chatgpt-service/chatgpt-s ... Up>9000/tcp
chatgpt-stream / ngin ... Up>80/tcp,:::3000->80/tcp
# To access the page, please ensure that your server can access the chatGPT API
# http://localhost:3000
- Enter the question directly, it will call the ChatGPT interface to return the answer
- Enter the picture description after
, it will call the DALL-E2 interface to automatically generate pictures through the picture description
# Note that this project needs to run the chatgpt-service backend service first
# .env.development is the configuration file for running tests
# .env.production is the formally built configuration file
# Pull build dependencies
npm install
# Test the project
npm run serve
# Compile the project
npm run build
# If ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED error occurs, please use the following command to compile
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider && npm run build