A Small Webservice That Scrobbles Spotify Connect Plays
The best way to run this scrobbler is with virtualenv. Assuming you have already virtualenv and Python 3.6 installed, create a new environment
virtualenv <path to env> --python=python3.6
Activate the environment and install the scrobbler from git:
cd <path to env>
source bin/activate
bin/pip install git+https://github.com/jeschkies/spotify-connect-scrobbler.git
Verify that the scrobbler is avialable:
scrobbler --help
The scrobbler requires access tokens to the Spotify web API and Last.fm API. You authenticate your accounts with
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=<Your app secret> \
LASTFM_API_KEY=<Your app key> \
LASTFM_API_SECRET=<Your app secret> \
scrobbler-auth <path to credentials file>
After you've followed the instructions the access tokens are saved to the credentials file you've specified. This file is required by the scrobbler.
We use tox for building and testing. Just install and run tox
pip install tox