- Refund Page
- Logs Page
- Admin Dashboard
- Deployment with either Docker / Python's builtin zipapp
- Load Database / Recover data from backup db
- Backup database on every transactions
- Load and import db using backup db
- Use tables as sections
- Use primary keys as sections under table
- Use fields as headers
- Include delete table
supervisor >=4.2.5
Run the following linux commands:
python3 -m venv .venv
cd ./venv/Scripts/activate
install "requirements.txt" file after the virtual environment(.venv) is activated with this command - pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install nginx postgresql redis memcached
python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
- Enter username
- Enter email address
- Enter password
- Re-enter password
Add the following to settings.py file if not already present:
- DEBUG = True # Set to True if in development or False if in production
- ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["localhost",""] # Set to ["localhost",""] if in development or ["ipaddress" , "domain"] if in production . NB: Replace the "ipaddress" with the ipaddress of the production server and the "domain" with the domain name assigned to the ipaddress
- channel_layer = get_channel_layer("mem").group_send # Set to get_channel_layer("mem").group_send if in development or get_channel_layer("redis").send if in production
- test_bundle = "0.1_GHS__100MB" # Set to "0.1_GHS__100MB" if in development(for testing purpose only) or "" (empty string) for production only
- get_all_data_allocations
- EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = "DDS CHILLZONE " # subject name to be used for the sending of emails to users, managers and admins of the site
- DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "[email protected]" # email address to be used for the sending of emails to users, managers and admins of the site
- EMAIL_HOST_USER = "xyz" # * username of the email address to be used for the sending of emails to users, managers and admins of the site
- SERVER_EMAIL = "[email protected]" # email address to be used for the sending of emails to users, managers and admins of the site
Process Manager - Supervisor
CI / CD - Buildbot
Logging - Sentry
WebSockets - Django Channels and Redis
Web Server - Gunicorn (For Backend) , Daphne(For Websockets) , Uvicorn (For API) and Nginx (For Load Balancing)
Backend - Django
Database - SQLite
Frontend - Tailwindcss , CSS , HTML , JS
Caching - Pymemcached
- Use bulk create
- Custom signal for handling the following:
- Request Finished
- Post Save
- Post Delete
Additional Features:
- Navigation Urls
- Business Intelligence
- Add Charts
- Increased admin dashboard page loading time to (0.04s - 4 seconds) by caching the charts