Devise-twitter adds Sign in via Twitter and Connect your account to Twitter functionality to your devise app.
It requires at least Devise 1.1 and ONLY works with Rails 3.
Devise-twitter currently supports Sign in via Twitter and Connect your account to Twitter, but no proper API for Connect your account to Twitter exists so far.
This plugin is in use in an upcoming product and continues to be improved.
Simply add devise-twitter to your Gemfile and bundle it up:
gem 'devise-twitter'
Run the generator, supplying the name of the model (e.g. User)
$ rails generate devise:twitter user
Add your OAuth credentials to config/initializers/devise_twitter.rb
Devise::Twitter.setup do |config|
config.consumer_key = <YOUR CONSUMER KEY HERE>
config.consumer_secret = <YOUR CONSUMER SECRET HERE>
config.scope = :user
Modify your user model like so
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# To use devise-twitter don't forget to include the :twitter_oauth module:
# e.g. devise :database_authenticatable, ... , :twitter_oauth
# IMPORTANT: If you want to support sign in via twitter you MUST remove the
# :validatable module, otherwise the user will never be saved
# since it's email and password is blank.
# :validatable checks only email and password so it's safe to remove
# Include default devise modules. Others available are:
# :token_authenticatable, :confirmable, :lockable and :timeoutable
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable :twitter_oauth
# Setup accessible (or protected) attributes for your model
attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me
Modify the generated routes (in config/routes.rb
) to your liking
Application.routes.draw do
devise_for :user do
match '/user/sign_in/twitter' => Devise::Twitter::Rack::Signin
match '/user/connect/twitter' => Devise::Twitter::Rack::Connect
Run the generated migration
$ rake db:migrate
When signing in via Twitter, after authorizing access on, devise-twitter will sign in an existing user or create a new one, if no user with these oauth credentials exists.
Devise-twitter supports adding Twitter credentials to an existing user account (e.g. one that registered via email/password) but currently the API to expose this feature is far from perfect:
After navigating to /user/connect/twitter
and authorizing access on, devise-twitter checks if there is another user with the same
twitter handle. If not devise-twitter adds twitter handle and oauth credentials
to the current user and saves.
If another user with the same twitter handle is found devise-twitter sets the
session variable warden.user.twitter.connected_user.key
to the id of this
user. Your application can check if this variable is set and display an option
to merge the two users.
if connected_user = session['warden.user.twitter.connected_user.key'].present?
connected_user = User.find(connected_user)
# Ask user if she/he wants to merge her/his accounts
# (or just go ahead and merge them)
If you have any idea how to improve it, please message me.
The generated migration adds three fields to your user model:
change_table(:users) do |t|
t.column :twitter_handle, :string
t.column :twitter_oauth_token, :string
t.column :twitter_oauth_secret, :string
add_index :users, :twitter_handle, :unique => true
add_index :users, [:twitter_oauth_token, :twitter_oauth_secret]
Currently the names of these fields are hard coded, but making them customizable is on the roadmap.
Thanks to
- Daniel Neighman for creating warden, the framework Devise uses
- Jose Valim for creating Devise
- Pelle Braendgaard for implementing oauth support in Ruby
- Roman Gonzalez for creating warden_oauth, the framework devise-twitter uses
- all the other giants who's shoulders this project stands on
- Code:
git clone
- Bugs:
- Gems: