Live hosted at: (Development Phase)
- sign-up with email and password
- email verification is a must before account creation.
- log in with email and password
- redirects the user to
portfolio edit
- redirects the user to
- Portfolio edit page
- requires login
- is an editable version of
portfolio view
- Portfolio view page
- doesn't requires login
- this is the portfolio which recruiters will see
- About Us page
- to show developer & website details.
- Feedback page
- Using this, users can send emails to developers.
- Name
- Photo
- Phone
- Profiles (LinkedIn, GitHub, Codechef, Hackerearth, etc)
- About me (text)
Education (initially hidden)
- School
- Course
- Score
- Start & End year
- Section Name
- List of skills
- List of achievements
- Title
- Description
- Images & Video
- GitHub link
- Start & End Date
- Skills Utilized
- Phone
- Contact
- Thank you text
- Order of these sections should be changeable, except the "About" and "Call of Contact" section.
- Since reads of portfolio will be multiple times greater than writes, we will store user portfolios as static files. Which will increase write time but, will reduce load time by about 75%.
- Django
- PostgreSQL (No issue of scalability, so why use mongoDB?)
- Heroku
- Amazon S3
Find rest of the documentation here.