Kasten-Tekton demonstrates how you can encapsulate Kasten Action and Policy in Tekton Task.
By organising Kasten Tekton Task in pipeline you can orchestrate complex or repetitive migration scenario.
You can also use Kasten Tekton Task inside your existing Tekton pipeline, for instance you want to backup your application before deploying a new version with a lot of potential impact on your data model.
This project is just given as example and is not intended for support, even if you bought Kasten licences.
Today we implement 4 Kasten Tekton task
- BackupAction
- ExportAction
- ImportAction
- RestoreAction
They all have params and result that can consume each other in a pipeline (see the pipeline folder)
3 examples are provided :
- Migration : backup export import and restore in another cluster
- Ditribute restorepoint : backup and distribute restorepoint in 2 different location profile
- Backup before deploy : Create a backup of the app before you deploy a new version
We suppose you already have 2 clusters that we'll call source and destination and Kasten installed on both of them. On the source the pacman application is installed and we're going to migrate it on the destination cluster.
You're going to install Tekton on one of these cluster or spin up a new cluster. We'll demonstrate the latter.
See the migration video with the Kasten GUI.
See the migration video with Tekton.
git clone [email protected]:tektoncd/plumbing.git
cd plumbing/hack
# -k for docker without it's podman
./tekton_in_kind.sh -k
# the script launch port-forward on 9097 hence you can directly
open http://localhost:9097
# otherwise you can execute the port-forward
# kubectl port-forward service/tekton-dashboard -n tekton-pipelines 9097:9097
kubectl create -f tasks/
kubectl create -f pipelines/
Create the kubeconfig workspaces for source and destination
kubectl config use-context <source>
./sa-config.sh source-cluster https://<source-api> kasten-io k10-k10 > source-config
kubectl config use-context <destination>
./sa-config.sh destination-cluster https://<destination-api> kasten-io k10-k10 > destination-config
kubectl config use-context kind-tekton
kubectl create secret generic source-config --from-file=kubeconfig=source-config
kubectl create secret generic destination-config --from-file=kubeconfig=destination-config
Create the pacman app on source
kubectl config use-context <source>
helm repo add pacman https://shuguet.github.io/pacman/
helm repo update
helm install pacman pacman/pacman -n pacman --create-namespace --set service.type=LoadBalancer
check you can access the pacman board and record a game in the high score.
Edit the migration-pipeline-run.yaml file :
- change the locationprofile-name name with the location profile in the source cluster.
- change the targetstorageclass-name value with the storage class on the destination cluster
kubectl create -f examples/pipeline-run-examples/migration-pipeline-run.yml
Check pacman app on the destination, control high score match with the source.
The goal is to send a backup to 2 different location profiles, one backupaction is started followed by 2 concurrent exportactions.
Create the tekton kind cluster (as discribed in the migration pipeline) or use a cluster where tekton is installed.
Create the app
kubectl config use-context <source>
helm repo add pacman https://shuguet.github.io/pacman/
helm repo update
helm install pacman pacman/pacman -n pacman --create-namespace --set service.type=LoadBalancer
Create the source config in the tekton cluster.
./sa-config.sh source-cluster https://<source-api> kasten-io k10-k10 > source-config
kubectl config use-context kind-tekton
kubectl create secret generic source-config --from-file=kubeconfig=source-config
Edit the distribute-restorepoint-pipeline-run.yaml file :
- change the locationprofile-name name with the location profile in the source cluster.
kubectl create -f examples/pipeline-run-examples/distribute-restorepoint-pipeline-run.yml
In this pipeline we do the classical CI/CD operation
- fetch: we fecth the code source
- build: we build a new socker image from the source
- push: we push the image to a docker registry
- deploy: we deploy the app with helm on a cluster and we configure helm to use this image
See the video of the ci/cd that embed a restore action.
But before deploy
we insert a backup action so that if the anything wrong happen with the new version
of the app we have a way to revert to the previous version of the application. Deploy now depends on build-push and backup.
- git-clone will fetch the code source
- kaniko will build and push the new image
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tektoncd/catalog/main/task/git-clone/0.6/git-clone.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://api.hub.tekton.dev/v1/resource/tekton/task/kaniko/0.6/raw
Create credential to fetch your git lab repo. First fork the https://github.com/shuguet/pacman repo then create git secret that will be used as a workspace for the git-clone task
kubectl config use-context <source>
cd ~/.ssh
k create secret generic git --from-file=id_rsa=id_rsa --from-file=known_hosts
Now create the docker-credentials secret that will be used as a workspace for the kaniko task.
kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-credentials \
--docker-username=<changeme> \
--docker-password=<changeme> \
--dry-run=client -o yaml \
| sed 's/\.dockerconfigjson/config\.json/g' | sed 's/kubernetes\.io\/dockerconfigjson/Opaque/g' | kubectl create -f -
note that you need to change <changeme>
by your own values.
edit the file examples/pipeline-run-examples/fetch-build-push-backup-deploy-run.yaml
change the <changeme>
by your own values then launch the pipeline
kubectl create -f examples/pipeline-run-examples/distribute-restorepoint-pipeline-run.yml
validate that a new version of pacman is up and running
kubectl get po -n mcourcy-pacman -o yaml | grep pacman: | grep image
image: docker.io/michaelcourcy/pacman:17d6414e32edeb11c1eb89ed679f774fc3962208
image: michaelcourcy/pacman:17d6414e32edeb11c1eb89ed679f774fc3962208
is the sha value of the last commit
In the pacman application insert this code in routes/highscores.js line 57
//error ???? why did I write that !!!!
//ahhhh too late ....
With this breaking changes the next time someone will we create a new highscore all the previous scores will be removed.
git add routes/highscores.js
git commit -m "deliberate errors"
git push origin main
Now re-run the pipeline.
kubectl create -f examples/pipeline-run-examples/distribute-restorepoint-pipeline-run.yml
Create a new highscore, all the previous highscore has beed removed, that's a loss of data.
Fortunately the pipeline include a backupaction, go to the latest restore point in Kasten GUI and restore, you should get back your previous high scores. Beside you get back the previous image that does not have this issue.