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Glailglind - Tailwind for Gleam

Package Version Hex Docs

Installs and invokes TailwindCSS CLI.

Heavily inspired by phoenixframework/tailwind.

Compatible with Erlang and Javascript targets. (Javascript target requires curl to be available on the host)

Usage as module

Install Package

gleam add glailglind --dev

Configure TailwindCSS

You can configure TailwindCSS in your gleam.toml by adding a tailwind table:

version = "4.0.8" # optional
args = [
path = "/path/to/tailwindcss" # optional

This lets you define the arguments being run.

Optionally define a specific TailwindCSS version or the direct path to the TailwindCSS CLI, if you don't want it to be installed automatically.

Install TailwindCSS

gleam run -m tailwind/install

This downloads the Tailwind CLI to ./build/bin/tailwindcss and generates the input.css in the root of the project.

Import Tailwind in your CSS

@import "tailwindcss";

Run TailwindCSS

gleam run -m tailwind/run

Executes tailwind with the defined arguments.

Usage with LustreSSG

Install Package

gleam add glailglind

(Optional) Specify version in config


version = "4.0.8"

Install TailwindCSS

gleam run -m tailwind/install

Import Tailwind in your CSS

@import "tailwindcss";

Update build script

Import tailwind and add the run step to your build script.


import gleam/list
import gleam/map
import gleam/io
import gleam/result

// Some data for your site
import app/data/posts

// Some functions for rendering pages
import app/page/index
import app/page/blog
import app/page/post

// Import the static site generator
import lustre/ssg

// Import Tailwind
import tailwind

pub fn main() {
  let posts = map.from_list({
    use post <-
    #(, post)

  let build ="./priv")
    |> ssg.add_static_route("/", index.view())
    |> ssg.add_static_route("/blog", blog.view(posts.all()))
    |> ssg.add_dynamic_route("/blog", posts, post.view)
    |> result.map_error(fn(e) { string.inspect(e) })
    |> result.try(fn(_) {

  case build {
    Ok(m) -> {
      io.println("Build succeeded!")
    Error(e) -> {
      io.println("Build failed!")