There is also separate repository for gamedev: Elm Game Development
- Clones of Common Games
- Roguelike
- Classic Card & Board Game
- Real-Time Strategy
- Puzzle Games
- Racing Game
- Tools
- Miscellaneous
- Elm 0.19
- MartinSnyder/elm-snake - Implementation of classic game "Snake". [play]
- amarantedaniel/snek - Another implementation of Snake. [play]
- onlinegamemaker/making-online-games/simple-snake - A simple implementation of the classic 'Snake' game. [play]
Previous Elm versions
- Elm 0.18
- remyferre/snake-elm - Snake game.
- rkrupinski/elm-snake - Snake game. [play]
- nwjlyons/snake - Classic game Snake. [play]
- ktonon/word-snake - Asynchronous word search game. [play]
- freiguy1/elm-snake - Snake game. [play]
- tibastral/elm-snake - Snake in WebGL and Html. [play]
- Elm 0.17
- remyyounes/elm-snake - Snake game. [play]
- bobobobo/elm-game-lab - Snake game. [play]
- remyyounes/elm-snake - Snake game. [play]
- Elm 0.16
- tatut/elmato - Snake Game. [play]
- rikukissa/elm-snake - Snake game. [play]
- franklsf95/smart-snake - Play the snake game or watch AI control the perfect snake.
- Elm 0.15
- liubko/elm-snake [doc] - A Snake game for the web browser. [play]
- Elm 0.14
- Chapter 14 Snake Revisited - Part of the elm-by-example book.
- Dead
- Elm 0.19
- TobiasWen/3DelmTRIS - 3D Tetris utilizing WebGL. [play]
- brandly/elm-dr-mario - A Dr. Mario Clone. [play]
- w0rm/elm-flatris - A Flatris clone. [play]
- Elm 0.18
- stil4m/elm-tetris - Tetris game.
- vishalgautamm/tetris-elm - Classic Tetris game.
- hoelzro/elm-tetris - A quick 'n' dirty implementation of Tetris.
- marcospri/elmtris - Basic implementation of tetris. [play]
- Elm 0.12
- jcollard/elmtris - A Tetris game for the web browser.
- Elm 0.18
- granmoe/elm-brick-breaker - A stripped down brick breaker game. [play]
- Dobiasd/Breakout - A clone of the classical game for your browser. [play]
- hoelzro/elm-breakout - An implementation of Breakout.
- robbethencourt/elm-breakout - Atari 2600 Breakout clone. [play]
- Elm 0.17
- griffinmichl/elm-brickbreaker - Breakout Clone.
- Elm 0.12
Elm 0.19
- magopian/elm-pong - making of - [play]
- ukikagi/making-pong-in-elm - Pong based on the example from the Elm-lang website
Previous Elm versions
Elm 0.18
- pristap/pong - Pong written in Elm using Elmo-8. [play]
- davydog187/elm-pong - Pong based on the example from the Elm-lang website, with some additional features.
Elm 0.17
- pdamoc/Pong.elm - Pong Example.
Elm 0.16
Elm 0.13
- sonnym/elm-expressway_pong - Multiplayer pong using Node.js and Elm.
Making Pong Tutorial [doc] - Outdated (from 2012).
rmies/fp-ams-elm - Outdated (from 2015).
mitchellwrosen/elm-pong - Outdated (from 2013)
- Elm 0.18
- avh4/elm-mario - The Elm Mario example from the Elm-lang website. [play]
- Elm 0.17
- pdamoc/Mario.elm - Mario Example.
- Elm 0.13
- dackerman/elm-mario-2 - Modified mario game based on Evan's Mario.elm example.
- Elm 0.12
- Evan's Mario Example [resources] - Original example for mario in elm.
- Elm 0.19
- pwadsworth/TicTacElm - Simple Tic Tac Toe to test-drive Elm language features.
- jjst/ultimate-tictactoe - Tic Tac Toe Clone. An implementation of ultimate tic-tac-toe in Elm.
- multiple authors - [play]
- brslv/elm-ttt - Tic Tac Toe with video of the creation process
- Elm 0.18
- AllanNozomu/TicTacToe - Tic Tac Toe Clone.
- franckverrot/tictactoe-elm - Tic Tac Toe game. [play]
- vishaltelangre/elm-tic-tac-toe - Tic Tac Toe game. [play]
- ZeusTheTrueGod/elm-tictactoe - Tic Tac Toe Clone. [play]
- Elm 0.17
- davefancher/ElmTicTacToe - A simple tic tac toe game.
- jah2488/elm-ttt - Tic Tac Toe Clone. [play]
- pel-daniel/elm-tictactoe - Tic Tac Toe Clone. [play]
- davydog187/elm-tic-tac-toe - Tic Tac Toe Clone.
- amcsi/elm-tic-tac-toe - Tic Tac Toe Clone.
- Elm 0.16
- localshred/tic-tac-toe - Tic Tac Toe Clone.
- Chapter 12 Tic Tac Toe - Part of the elm-by-example book. Outdated (from 2015).
- Elm 0.19
- gege251/space_invaders - Space Invaders game in Elm.
- Elm 0.18
- Genetic Space Invaders game - A functional game written in Elm about classic space invaders game evolved with a genetic algorithm. [play]
- Elm 0.16
- ohanhi/elmvaders - Simple Space Invaders inspired game. [play]
- Elm 0.13
- Pew Pew - A space shooter game.
- Elm 0.18
- alpacaaa/elm-memory-game - Memory game. [doc]
- DaZzz/melmory-game - Memory game.
- Magic Match - Memory game. [play]
- - A neat multiplayer online memory/concentration game. [play]
- Elm 0.16
- simonewebdesign/elm-memory-game - Memory Game.
- simonewebdesign/elm-simon - Memory Game.
- Elm 0.15
- Nazanin1369/elm-memoryGame - Memmory Game. Memory game using Elm. [play]
- Cape Match - A little web game written in Elm (with some Haskell). [play]
- Elm 0.17
- Elmsteroids - A non-trivial Asteroids clone. [play]
- Elm 0.16
- AppSynergy/asteroids - The classic asteroids game.
- Destroid - A space shooter based on the classic Asteroids.
- Elm 0.18
- abadi199/elman - Pac Man Clone. [play]
- duckmole/elm-pacman - Coding-Dojo : Pacman in ELM.
- Elm 0.16
- kghandhi/pacman - Pac Man Clone. [play]
- Elm 0.19
- SidneyNemzer/casual-minesweeper - Minesweeper with an undo button. [play]
- Elm 0.18
- CarstenKoenig/ElmSweeper - minesweeper game. [play]
- lydell/elm-minesweeper - The classic game MineSweeper. [play]
- roSievers/elm-sweeper - Elm Sweeper aims to reimplement the puzzle mechanics of Hexcells as a web application. [play]
- brandly/elm-minesweeper - Classic Minesweeper. [play]
- Elm 0.16
- mikegehard/elm-minesweeper - A minesweeper game. [play]
- Elm 0.19
- Dig Dig Boom - Roguelike with breakable walls. [play]
- Farmig - Roguelike with farming elements. [play]
- Elm 0.18
- mordrax/cotwelm - Remake of Castle of the Winds in Elm. [play]
- Elm 0.13
- deadfoxygrandpa/Roguelike - A roguelike.
- sindikat/roguelike - Roguelike draft for testing Elm's Graphics.Collage performance.
- Elm 0.19
- kburton/elm-yahtzee - An implementation of the dice game Yahtzee written in elm. [play]
- RobStallion/chess-elm - Trying to create a chess game in elm.
- Elm 0.18
- Depths - Casual, single-player strategy game.
- topher6345/blackjack-elm Blackjack Card Game. [play]
- arielger/elm-bingo - Bingo Game. [play]
- seandavidross/elm-haggis - A climbing card game.
- Lattyware/massivedecks - A Cards Against Humanity clone. [play]
- alpacaaa/elm-mastermind - Mastermind game written in Elm. [doc]
- Doubleheader - A multiplayer web version of the popular German card game "Doppelkopf".
- Ring of Worlds - Ring of Worlds: Multiplayer card game written in Haskell and Elm. [play]
- girishso/indian-chess - Multiplayer 18th Century chess like game. [play]
- jinjor/elm-reversi - Reversi Clone. [play]
- cbenz/elm-bridge-game - Experimentations in Elm around Bridge card game using French standard. [play]
- Elm 0.17
- vanwagonet/elm-chess - Chess Game.
- CarstenKoenig/ElmOthello - Reversi Clone. [play]
- inderps/reversi-game-in-elm - Reversi Game.
- Diamondback Railroad - Demonstrates a game engine for a visually-pleasing 2-D game. [play]
- bigardone/phoenix-elm-battleship - battleship clone built with Elixir, Phoenix, and Elm. [play]
- Elm 0.16
- infeo/elm-ninemensmorris - Nine men's morris Clone.
- Elm 0.15
- Kalevala - A tile-laying game for two players inspired by the board game Völuspá by Scott Caputo. [play]
- Checkerboard Grid Tutorial - Tutorial on Container Components in Elm.
- Elm 0.13
- grzegorzbalcerek/chess-elm - The game of Chess written in Elm.
- Elm 0.19
- Herzog Drei - RTS game based on Herzog Zwei. [play]
- DRTS Game [play]
- Elm 0.19
- m-masataka/elm-puyo - An implementation of the Puyo Puyo [play]
- stepheneb/elm-2048 - 2048 Clone [play]
- darrensiegel/elm-chess - Human vs computer chess game.
- lieberkind/sokoban - An implementation of the Sokoban game from Windows 3.x. [play]
- brian-watkins/mindmaster - Code Breaking Game in Elm.
- Seeds Game - A connect the dots game with seeds. [play]
- battermann/elm-samegame - SameGame clone. [play]
- johncrane/perfect-flood - Drag and drop flood fill game. [play]
- jwbrew/elm-puzzler - puzzle framework, there's a naieve implmentation of noughts and crosses
- vViktorPL/is-it-my-cow - "Is it my cow?" - find your cow by it's unique patches pattern. [play]
- Janiczek/river-crossing - River Crossing - Wolf, goat and cabbage ... [play]
- O-O-Balance/pairs - Pairs - matching animals [play]
- Elm 0.18
- dam5s/mastermind - Mastermind Clone.
- maorleger/mastermind - Interactive Mastermind solver algorithm. [play]
- girishso/elm-lights-out - Light out clone. [play]
- Juzley/elm-net - Puzzle Game. This is an implementation of the Net puzzle game. [play]
- Drug Wars - arbitrage game. [play]
- campezzi/elm-fifteen - 15 Puzzle Clone. - [play]
- ufocoder/sokoban - Sokoban game.[play]
- ipavelpetrov/elm-floodit - Flood It Game. [play]
- G4BB3R/SokobanElm - Remake of the classical game Sokoban in Elm.
- zindel/game2048elm - 2048 Clone.
- w0rm/elm-cubik - This is an implementation of the Rubik's cube puzzle in the Elm language using WebGL. [doc] [play]
- jeanettehead/lady-boggle - Boggle Clone. [play]
- Sokoban Player - Sokoban Player provides best experience to play any sokoban level you want! [play]
- w0rm/elm-nim - A live-coded implementation of the Nim game in Elm as done at Berlin Frontend Meetup. [doc]
- ssimono/hexliterate - Multi-player game where one can test their ability to guess a color hex code. [play]
- Elm 0.17
- marcosh/elm-hanoi - Hanoi tower Clone.
- ElmLive/lights-out - Light's Out Clone. [doc]
- Elm 0.16
- erich-9/elm-sudoku - Sudoku. [play]
- Paint The Town Red - Coloring game. [play]
- Elm 0.15
- adzeitor/tis-100 - tis-100 sandbox clone. [play]
- gdeb/elm-sokoban - Sokoban Clone.
- Elm 0.12
- maxsnew/Scramble - Word Scramble Game. [play]
- Elm 0.18
- Elm 0.18
- hex grid pathfinding package - A hex-grid package for elm.
- Elm 0.17
- tile editor - A tilemap editor built with elm.
- Elm 0.19
- harbingerr/Elm-Game - 2D logic board game [play demo]
- danneu/elm-mmo - MMO RPG Game. MUD-like multiplayer game over websockets.
- mpizenberg/elm-videoball - Videoball clone. Minimalist elm implementation of the game videoball. [play]
- anicholson/elm-hangman - A hangman game.
- Vim Adventures in Elm - Dungeon Crawler. Vim Adventures game in Elm. [play]
- NuAshworld - MMO RPG Game. A game in the vein of the (not playable anymore) Fallout-themed PBBG "Ashworld". [play]
- Bike-Wars - Tron clone. Bike Wars is a two-player local multiplayer game where each player controls a Light Bike (like the ones in Tron) and tries to survive the longest.
- Mogee - Platformer game. A WebGL platformer that fits into 64x64px screen. [doc] [play]
- sonnym/scorched - Turn-based artillery game. A clone of Scorched Earth.
- JordyMoos/elm-pixel-boulder-game - Boulder Dash Clone. A bit "out-of-hand" experiment to write a game in a pure functional language. [play]
- wolfadex/slime-buddy - get new slime, feed it and play with it. [play]
- lwiedema/kalah-game-elm - Kalah: Two-Player Board Game. [play]
- BKSpurgeon/numberCounter Number Counter: A search and click game: [play]
- w0rm/elm-garden-of-eels - Garden of Eels: Help eels to eat the right kind of plankton: [play]
- JoelQ/ecosystem - Ecosystem: Attempt to balance an ecoystem: [play]
- hasuya1120/forest_maze - Forest maze: escape randomly generated labyrinth [play]
- tnyo43/kirin-rhythm - kirin rhythm: Feed your giraffe at the tempo of fallen leaves! [play]
- robvandenbogaard/giraffe - Giraffe [play]
- jlengrand/sheepgame - The Sheepgame [play]
- miyanokomiya/the-defence-force-19 - The Defence Force 19 [play]
- negiboudu/roly-poly - roly-poly [play]
- Elm 0.18
- listrophy/space_elm - Spaceship Game.
- Fedreg/elmkc-simon - Simon Says Clone. [play] [play]
- Wordy - Spelling Game. A clone of an iOS game called Worder.
- Obscura - Simulation. You are a ghost in a dark universe governed by math and peopled by dullards. [play]
- Village - incremental game. [play]
- lucashm/elmstroyer - Spaceship Game.
- sd0s/elm-gallows - Hangman Game. Elm UI for Hangman game.
- naymspace/elm-bowling-game-kata - This is an adaption of Uncle Bob's Bowling Game Kata.
- Retrorace - Racing Game. A multiplayer game where the aim is to be the first to reach the top of the screen. [play]
- cjen07/gobblet-gobblers - Gobblet Gobblers Clone. [play]
- The Adventures of Jack O'Lantern - Platform game.
- Constellations - Planarity-inspired Game. [play]
- damien-theuveny/whack-a-fraudster - Whack a Mole Clone.
- xyc0562/editor-maze - Maze Game.
- crazymykl/elm-drench - Drench Clone. [play]
- - Spaceship Game. a simple xpilot-like game. [play]
- billstclair/mineplace - Maze Game. A simple networked 2.5D maze game. [play]
- Boxuuume - Platformer Game. A school project. [play]
- Janiczek/dwarves - Minimal Dwarf Fortress-like behaviour in Elm. [play]
- alpacaaa/elm-star-dodge - Dodge Game. A simple star dodge game clone.
- puemos/elm-hangman - Hangman Clone. The game of Hangman. [play]
- jamonholmgren/rocket-elm - Spaceship Game. A small game where you pilot a rocket ship around.
- stephenbalaban/Gravity - Physic Simulation. An orbital simulation game written in Elm. [play]
- joelchelliah/elm-rex - Chrome's offline T-rex game written in Elm. [play]
- WeAreWizards/elm-rocket-lander - Rocket lander Game. A simple rocket lander game written in Elm
- Sweet Sweet Friction - Arcade Game. A Gimme Friction Baby clone. [play]
- Elm Street 404 - Pathing Game. Deliver all the fashion to all the customers. [play]
- Safe Tea - Tower Defense. Pirate-themed tower defense game for the Feb 2018 Elm Game Jam. [play]
- eniac314/elmGol - Celluar Automata. Conway's Game of Life.
- fbonetti/elm-game-of-life - Celluar Automata. Conway's Game of Life.
- jamonholmgren/rocket-elm - Spaceship Game. A small game where you pilot a rocket ship around.
- bahalperin/planeshift
- rommsen/elm-dots-and-boxes Multiplayer Dots and Boxes. [play]
- stefankreitmayer/elm-joust Fighting game. A minimalistic action game. [play]
- tibastral/elm-koala
- brandly/elm-slime-volleyball - Gravity based game. try to beat the blue slime at volleyball. [play]
- Down the River - Frogger Clone. Roman mythology themed game with procedural generation. [play]
- - A simple duck and dodge game, avoid the falling objects as long as possible. [play]
- elm-shooter - A side scrolling shooter game. [play]
- Elm 0.17
- alexspurling/simonsays - Simon Says Clone. [play]
- Bee - Top Down Game. [play]
- Hexagons - Top Down Game.
- ryannhg/seven-seas-elm - Sailing Game.
- gentoid/sea-battle-elm - Battleship Clone. "Sea Battle".
- LetterSmash - Multiplayer Game. A multiplayer LetterPress game in Elixir, Phoenix and Elm. [play]
- iojichervo/Generic-Elm-Platform-Game - Platformer Game. [play]
- Elm Practice 11 - Space Ship Game. the user must collect resources orbiting a planet and overcome the difficulty of maintaining good orbits! [play]
- Jan - Rock Paper Scissors Clone. A rock paper scissors game written in Elixir and Elm. [play]
- Melted Synapse - Fighting Game. A turn-based game written in Elm that explores Frozen Synapse's game mechanics [play]
- danneu/elm-space-arena - Space Shooter. A sloppy 2D spaceship shooter. [play]
- - Point&Click Adventure. A point & click adventure written. [play]
- cabaret/elm-supercrypt - Decryption Game. Elm implementation of SuperCrypt.
- krisajenkins/wireworld - Cellular automata. The WireWorld Cellular Automata.
- Elm 0.16
- kurtharriger/elm-battleship - Battleship Game.
- Grodan - Frog Game.
- rainbowbismuth/elm-turn-based-battle - A turn based browser game written in Elm.
- run-time/elm-ui-rocks - Rock Paper Scissors Game. Elm-UI Rock, Paper, Scissors game. [doc]
- Starsystem - spaceship game.
- robinpokorny/elm-hangman - Hangman clone. [play]
- Infinite Monkey Incremental - Incremental Game. An incremental game inspired by the Infinite Monkey Theorem [play]
- jvoigtlaender/labyrinth-elm - Arcade Game. A Pac-Man clone.[play]
- fbonetti/clicker-game - Incremental Game. Cookie clicker clone.
- Elm Plane - Autoscroller. A flappy bird clone written in elm. [play]
- Elm 0.15
- JoelQ/elm-platformer - Platformer Game. [play]
- robertjlooby/elm-bowling-game-kata - The bowling game kata.
- Salem - Sailing Game. [play]
- camspiers/elm-redchaser - Chasing Game. [play]
- celestia - Spaceship Game. Celestia is a two-dimensional cartoon space game. [play]
- avh4/wire-game - Network topology game.
- basti1302/elm-turing-machine-game - Turing machine game.
- krisajenkins/infinite-runner - Autoscroller. A 90 Minute Infinite-Runner hack. [play]
- krisajenkins/lunarlander - Rocket Lander Game. A Lunar Lander clone. [play]
- Elm 0.14
- Vessel - Autoscroller. A "tunnel" game. [play]
- bamboo/take-the-blue-pills - Item Collecting Game. Take the blue pills Elm tutorial.
- yuhe00/santas-workshop - Christmas-themed incremental game. [play]
- Elm 0.12
- GoranM/bluepill - A small avoider game, written in Elm.
- mgold/Sequence-Maze - Educational Game. A game for small children. Outdated (from 2014).
- Lopi/HackMan - Hacking Game. A game to teach users about security and penetration testing. Outdated (from 2015).
- sonnym/petrov - Red Button Game. Don't press the button. [play]
- monsieurcactus/LearnElm A collection of one-file games.
- nyoronyoro A multi-player game in Elm play