OneKey Pro and Classic 1S hardware wallet support
Update BIP329 wallet labels export to include additional fields
Make BIP329 wallet labels import and export scannable
Add Copy Payment Code item to the transaction diagram outputs context menu for BIP47 outputs
Add Show Transaction as QR button to signed transaction tabs when offline (@ThauanAmorim )
Upgrade libusb to v1.0.27 on all platforms
Add specific handling for invalid Windows device drivers on Trezor devices
Handle scanning and pasting server URLs in the Electrum (x.x.x.x:n:t/s
) format
Additionally check for Trezor model against internal name and improve exception handling on no match
Bug fix: Verify dropped release file instead of first platform specific release file found
Bug fix: Use default key origin information when importing a descriptor without key origin info
Bug fix: Fix various minor issues around multisig keystore labelling and keystore Export button visibility
Bug fix: Fix stripping leading zeros from the master fingerprint on importing some Trezor models
Bug fix: Protect against endless loop from negative value returned from writeBytes
on Jade
Bug fix: Fix handling of high account numbers on Ledger devices
Bug fix: Fix account discovery on BitBox02
Bug fix: Fix access issue with macOS show/hide windowing commands
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