TAPIR (Trustable Artifacts Parser for Incident Response) is a multi-user, client/server, incident response framework based on the TAP project.
It take as input file (can be a disk dump or any kind of files), a directory containing different files (from a triage tool), a disk dump, or a disk device. Use different plugins to virtually extract data and metadata from those files, let you access them in an homogenous way via a REST API, and integrate a search engine TAP-QUERY that let you create complex query to filter that data and metadata.
Server can be accessed remotely or locally via it's REST API, or via :
- TAPyR a python binding that can be used to create script to automate your investigation,
- TAPyR-cmd unix like shell command.
- TAPIR-Frontend a web UI.
It's multiplateform and run on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
TAPIR is in beta and is not yet ready for production use, in this version SSL is not activated by default, and the local plugin can access any file on the server. We recommend using it on a local or private network, and to change the default API KEY on the config file or on the environment variable.
Debian/Ubuntu package & Windows binary are available here
To install in Debian or Ubuntu :
sudo dpkg -i tapir_0.1.0_amd64.deb
- User documentation : How to interact with TAPIR using TAPyR-cmd and TAPIR-Frontend
- TAP developer documentation : The "rustdocs" rust documentation for the TAP crate used by TAPIR
- REST API documentation : The REST API call description
To compile it you need to have cargo installed.
Then :
cargo build --release
The generated binary will be available in :
TAPIR build support different optional features :
- yara : add support for the yara plugin
- device : add support for reading data from disk device
- frontend : integrate the TAPIR-Frontend web UI inside the TAPIR binary.
To compile with feature, example with yara :
cargo build --release --features=yara
To compile with multiple features, example with yara and device
cargo build --release --features=yara,device
Building with integrated frontend using TAPIR-Workspace
TAPIR-Workspace is a git repository that include all available TAP repository as subproject.
You will also need to have installed : cargo & npm
git clone https://github.com/tap-ir/tapir-ws.git
cd tapir-ws
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule foreach git checkout main
cd tapir-frontend
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm run build
cd ..
TAPIR_FRONTEND_BUILD_PATH=$PWD/tapir-frontend/build cargo run --release --features=frontend --bin tapir
The binary with the integrated frontend will be generated in target/release/tapir
Checkout TAPIR-Frontend in an other directory :
git clone https://github.com/tap-ir/tapir-frontend.git
cd tapir-frontend
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm run build
Go back to TAPIR directory and indicate the path to the TAPIR-Frontend directory in the TAPIR_FRONTEND_BUILD_PATH
environment variable
TAPIR_FRONTEND_BUILD_PATH=path_to_tapir_frontend cargo build --release --features=frontend
To generate the developer documentation run :
cargo doc
Doc will be generated in target/doc/tapir
To run TAPIR the configuration file tapir.toml
should be in the same directory as the binary is run from
cargo run --release
To display some logging information on the console the environment variable RUST_LOG
must be set to warn
or info
depending of the level of information you want to be displayed.
On Linux or Mac OS X :
RUST_LOG=info ./tapir
Or if running from the source with cargo
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release
tapir [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --address <ADDRESS> Listening address & port
-c, --config <FILE> Custom config file
-k, --apikey <APIKEY> API key
-u, --upload <UPLOAD> Path to the upload directory
To pass argument for tapir if running with cargo you must pass them after --
that end the cargo line of command.
cargo run --release --features=frontend --bin tapir -- --help
You can pass the configuration for TAPIR
with --config
or -c
The configuration file look like this :
address = ""
upload = "./upload"
api_key = "key"
You can specifiy the addresse and port used by the server, the API key used to access the server, the directory where you want the file to be uploaded, and a directory from which file will be loaded by default.
This variable can also be configured in the environment :
TAPIR_ADDRESS : Listening address & port
TAPIR_UPLOAD : Path to the upload directory
TAPIR will look first for an environment variable, then if not found for the variable in the config file, then for the default value.
The default value are :
config : "tapir.toml"
address : ""
upload : "./upload"
apikey : "key"
TAPIR is part of the TAP project and the file type it support is the same as the tap project. (When new parser plugin is added to TAP TAPIR is updated to include the new plugins).
At time of writting this documentation this is the plugin included in TAPIR by default or via the features flag :
Name | Category | Description |
local | Input | Load files or directory from the filesystem |
exif | Metadata | Extract EXIF info from file |
hash | Metadata | Hash file attribute |
s3 | Input | Load files from a s3 server |
merge | Util | Merge files into one file |
ntfs | File system | Read and parse NTFS filesystem |
mft | File system | Read and parse MFT file |
magic | Metadata | Detect magic and file data compatible with plugins |
prefetch | Windows | Parse prefetch file |
partition | Volume | Parse MBR & GPT partition |
lnk | Windows | Parse lnk file |
evtx | Windows | Parse evtx file |
registry | Windows | Parse registry file |
clamav | Malware | Scan file content with ClamAV |
device | Input | Mount a device |
yara | Malware | Scan file content with Yara |
To discuss about the project and ask your questions join our Discord server !
The contents of this repository is available under GPLv3 license.