Single-file libraries for C/C++ in public domain.
Current libraries
Library | Desciption | Language | Current Version |
tm_allocator.h | An allocator collection for C++ | C++17 | v0.0.3 |
tm_arrayview.h | Lightweight ArrayView and UninitializedArrayView classes for POD types, allows treating static arrays and memory regions like std containers with insertion/erase. No memory allocation/resizing, does not own memory. | C++11 | v1.2.0 |
tm_async.h | Async library for single producer, multiple consumer asynchronous execution that uses an internal thread pool. Not yet first release, currently Windows only. | C99/C++11 | v.0.0.2 |
tm_bezier.h | Calculate bezier curve points with forward differencing using only floating point addition. | C99/C++ | v1.1 |
tm_bin_packing.h | C port with minor modifications of the Guillotine and MaxRects algorithms originally written by Jukka Jylänki (also public domain). | C99/C++ | v1.0.7 |
tm_cli.h | Commandline parser that is similar to getopt_long, but doesn't rely on globals and very lightweight. | C99/C++ | v0.2.3 |
tm_conversion.h | From and to string conversion library with minimal dependencies. | C99/C++ | v0.9.9.9 |
tm_hashmapx.h | A hashmap implementation library using X-Macros for C99. The hashmap uses linear-probing and is power-of-two sized. | C99 | v.0.0.1 |
tm_json.h | C++ and C99 json parsing library that can do both json reading and parsing into a json document for queries. Accepts a wide variety of flags, can be used to parse json in strict mode, or in json5 mode with the right combination of flags. | C99/C++ | v0.9.0 |
tm_polygon.h | Triangulation and clipping of polygons. Clipping supports union, difference and substraction. | C99/C++ | v1.1 |
tm_print.h | Lightweight typesafe variadic print and snprint using C++11 and variadic templates. | C++11 | v0.0.22 |
tm_resource_ptr.h | This is a helper class to manage resources allocated by other tm libraries in a RAII manner similar to std::unique_ptr. | C++11 | v0.1.0 |
tm_small_vector.h | Dynamic array container similar to STL <vector> with a template parameter for small buffer optimization. Uses a non customizable malloc allocator making use of realloc whenever possible. | C++11 | v0.0.8 |
tm_stringutil.h | String utility functions, from matching, comparison to tokenizing. | C99/C++ | v0.9.3 |
tm_uint128.h | A uint128 type with a couple of backends to choose. | C99/C++11 | v0.0.4 |
tm_unicode.h | A Utf-8 everywhere library with Utf-8/Utf-16 conversion, caseless comparison and system call wrappers for cross platform windows/linux Utf-8 support. | C99/C++ | v0.9.3 |
tm_utility.h | Utility and convenience functions, mainly for my personal use. | C++11 | v1.1.5 |
tm_xml.h | An xml reader with no extra validation. Only UTF-8 xml documents, does perform unicode validity checks. | C99/C++ | v0.1.0 |
These libraries follow the same guidelines as stb. They have minimal dependencies and are dual licensed in both the public domain and MIT.