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Vert.x Scala

Build Status Maven Central

Vert.x-Scala provides language bindings and helpers for a more idiomatic use of Vert.x with Scala.

Please see the main documentation on the web-site for a full description:

For Developers

The following sections explain how to use Vert.x-Scala.

Getting started with sbt

There is a Giter8 template to get you started real quickly with sbt:

sbt new

Getting started with Maven/Gradle

We are working on a starter configuration for You should be able to generate a starter project soon from there.

For Maintainers

The following sections are for maintainers of this software.


In order to perform a release of this software,

  1. Set the release version in the aggregator pom.xml and all modules' pom.xml files

  2. Commit, build and push to Maven Central

  3. Set the next SNAPSHOT version in the aggregator pom.xml and all modules' pom.xml files