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Bot that notifies Wikimedia communities of pending deletion of Commons images they're using


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Setting up

Clone the bot code:

git clone bot
cd bot

Set up the dependencies in virtualenv:

virtualenv --python=python3 virtualenv
virtualenv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Make the database credentials available to the bot. The bot will search for or my.cnf in home directory or the bot's root directory. For uniformity, copy ~/ to bot/my.cnf and add host/database information to it. For Toolforge deployment, that would be something like:

password = ****
user = s53689
host = tools.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs
database = s53689__commonsbot

For development, you want to either point this to your local MySQL instance. Alternatively, you can use port forwarding to connect to the tools database:

ssh -L 33061:tools.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs:3306 <your labs username>

In such case, the configuration would be:

password = ****
user = s53689
host = localhost
port = 33061
database = s53689__commonsbot

Set up wiki credentials. Currently, the bot uses BotPasswords. When you register a new bot password, you get a message like

The new password to log in with [bot username]@[sub bot name] is [some hex string]. Please record this for future reference.

Create in the bot's directory with the following content:

('bot user account', BotPassword('sub bot name', 'that long hex string'))

If you're running a clone that isn't using the default username Community Tech bot, you also need to change it in

Before running the bot for the first time, be sure to run the first-run script or the bot will post several thousands of notifications about the files nominated before the first run:



Set up cron jobs (with crontab -e):

# Run the bot's main script every 15 minutes
5,20,35,50 * * * * jsub -quiet -once -N commtech-commons ${HOME}/bot/bin/cronjob

# Clean up old logfiles and DB entries daily
0 3 * * * jsub -quiet -once -N commtech-commons-cleanup ${HOME}/bot/bin/cleanup

Running the bot

Python 3.4+ is required.

Stopping the bot

To kill a job that's currently running on Toolforge:

jstop commtech-commons

In most cases, you don't want to completely stop the bot if it misbehaves. Dry run mode is sufficient. In this mode, the bot does everything other than actually posting the messages on-wiki, which allows it to maintain its database in a consistent state, as well as generate logs with any error/debug messages that might help with development. To switch it on, change "dry-run": false" to true in config.json.

If a complete stop is required, comment it out in the crontab. WARNING: a complete stop means bin/first-run is required before a restart.

Debug information

Toolforge automatically saves the bot's stdout to commtech-commons.out and stderr to commtech-commons.err - these contain lots of useful information.

To add some extra verbose debug output, set verbose_output to True in

Old listfiles are saved to logs/{discussion|speedy}.txt.<timestamp>.

Adding a new wiki

  • Add its dbname to wikis-enabled and optional configuration in config.json in Git.
  • Make sure that all messages are localized by running
  • Make sure that the bot account is present on the wiki.
  • Deploy by simply pulling in the new code (the task is continually ran by cron, so you shouldn't need to restart anything):
    • become community-tech-tools
    • become commtech-commons
    • cd bot
    • git pull
    • The next time the cron runs, it should include the newly added wiki


All settings are kept in config.json:

  • dry-run - whether dry run mode os on, see "Stopping the bot" above.
  • wiki-options - dictionary of dbname: options, with every wiki possibly overriding setting from "default". Possible per-wiki options:
    • minoredit - (bool) whether edits should be marked as minor
    • markasbot - (bool) whether edits should be marked as bot edits
    • tags (string|null) - pipe-separated edit tags to apply to edits or null for none
    • language (string|null) - override for language code used for messages on this wiki, or null to not override



The bot's main operation consists of three scripts:

  • creates lists of files that have been around for long enough to be notified about.
  • runs off these files to determine which pages need updating and post the messages.
  • is a dev script that outputs statistics on language translation progress.


The repository has a makefile, so just run


from the bot's root directory to run the tests.


Bot that notifies Wikimedia communities of pending deletion of Commons images they're using




Code of conduct





No releases published


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