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Releases: evilsocket/opensnitch


02 Mar 15:30
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v1.7.0-rc.1 Pre-release

First RC release of the next v1.7.0.

New features

Connections filtering:

  • Allow to filter connections by:
    • md5: 7a9bb17 (#413). Note: Not enabled by default. Configurable from the GUI and file configuration.
    • parent(s) path: 2509d21 (#406). Note: Not configurable from the GUI yet.
    • username: ff3ac66 (#1236). Note: Not configurable from the GUI yet.
    • list of md5 checksums (ced8410). Note: Not configurable from the GUI yet.
  • Lan access control by @nolancarougepro in #1237

Scheduled tasks

  • tasks: 9e0f3a4.
  • tasks: added sockets monitor task (netstat / ss similar feature) (83fad69 , #1112).
  • tasks: new task nodemonitor (5861354). WIP: the GUI part not totally finished yet.


  • Allow to configure default outbound policy: 7fd436a (#1183, #884, #1201).
  • Allow to configure rules directory (211c864, #449).
  • Allow to configure eBPF modules path (ffb7668).
  • Allow to configure system firewall configuration file (bb95a77, 54ac5a3).
  • Allow to configure internal options:
    • Golang GC percentage (dc43d59).
    • Flush connections on start (8e9c1d2).
    • Max Stats and events to keep in memory when the daemon is not connected to the GUI (server).
    • Interception queue number (efc0566).
    • nfqueue bypass flag (6622df9).
    • eBPF options (eede54c).
    • Interception rules monitoring interval (54ac5a3).
  • New log level Trace (only configurable via default-config.json, LogLevel: -1)


  • plugins (WIP) (2a233c1 , cba52cf)
    (functional, but not configurable from the GUI yet).

    • Highlight: colorize cells or rows based on patterns.
    • Downloader: a simple downloader which downloads files to local directories, for example to download blocklists.
    • Virustotal: a plugin to analyze IPs, domains and checksums with the API of virustotal when a new popup is fired.
  • netstat view: #1112

What's Changed


  • popups redesigned to add more context on the process and the connection.


  • Apply configuration changes without restarting the daemon (bde5d34, 0b67c1a)


  • Better interception of some (UDP) connections (63a3b4e, #1246).
  • Clean dns ebpf hooks on exit (785500c).
  • performance improvement for opensnitch-procs (7442bec).
  • fixed dns uprobes (1518cb3).


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.6.3...v1.7.0-rc.1


You need to download the daemon and the GUI.



Ubuntu 22.04 / PopOS! 22.x / LinuxMint 21.x / Elementary OS 7.x / Zorin users: See this comment after installing the GUI: #1214 (comment))

If you experience crashes on Wayland clicking on the pop-ups: open the Preferences and select "xcb" as the "Qt platform plugin", in the UI tab.`

If the above packages complain about dependencies... please, ask on the Discussion forum to generate packages for old distributions, specifying your distribution and kernel.


(NOTE: if the daemon doesn't autostart, you need to enable it: ~ $ sudo systemctl enable --now opensnitch.service)

Other arquitectures


24 Feb 19:20
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GUI bugfix release.

(the daemon has not changed).

Bug fixes

  • fixed Events search with different languages
  • fixed deleting rules #1245
  • fixed destination host regexp #1264 (special thanks to @FWDekker for reporting this issue).


You need to download the daemon and the GUI.



Ubuntu 22.04 / PopOS! 22.x / LinuxMint 21.x / Elementary OS 7.x / Zorin users: See this comment after installing the GUI: #1214 (comment))

If you experience crashes on Wayland clicking on the pop-ups: open the Preferences and select "xcb" as the "Qt platform plugin", in the UI tab.`

If the above packages complain about dependencies... please, ask on the Discussion forum to generate packages for old distributions, specifying your distribution and kernel.


(NOTE: if the daemon doesn't autostart, you need to enable it: ~ $ sudo systemctl enable --now opensnitch.service)

Other arquitectures

Full Changelog: v1.6.7...v1.6.8


29 Dec 00:30
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GUI bugfix release.

(the daemon has not changed, don't need to download it).

Bug fixes

  • do not verify lists path on remote nodes - 446cb1a
  • fixed delay closing the GUI - 36f9242
  • fixed exception getting node address when adding a new rule - 99cd9f1)
  • fixed restoring policies when disabling the firewall - 12baf1a
  • fixed enabling/disabling global firewall button - ee089af
  • fixed searching in tabs Users, Nodes - 332ec0f, d1f58eb
  • fixed displaying firewall button icon - f9e1a6a
  • fixed acting on selected rows - 3416c38

What has changed


  • Allow to use multiple protobuf versions - f91f1a9
    This commit fixes an error that prevented UI from opening on OpenSuse 15.6 versions.

  • Minor UI performance improvement, that can be noticeable - abdfd39

  • restrict allowed characters in the rule name - 25e9268

  • popups improvements:

    • better display of special paths (long pahs / binary names, long arguments, arguments with special characters, etc) - 94fba0b , 2f3b594
    • restore dialogs' original size after every popup - 6004f36, 14a1c3b
  • translations updated.

New features

  • now it's possible to display all the details of the connections 2b3028e , 906b225
  • you can also configure what columns to display in the Events tab.
    Note: you may need to reconfigure the columns options, under Preferences -> UI
  • allow to configure from the GUI what Qt platform plugin to use (if OpenSnitch behaves erratic under Wayland, allow to configure from the GUI the xcb plugin) 54ef3f6

Full Changelog: v1.6.6...v1.6.7


You need to download the daemon and the GUI.



Ubuntu 22.04 / PopOS! 22.x / LinuxMint 21.x / Elementary OS 7.x / Zorin users: See this comment after installing the GUI: #1214 (comment))

If you experience crashes on Wayland clicking on the pop-ups: open the Preferences and select "xcb" as the "Qt platform plugin", in the UI tab.`

If the above packages complain about dependencies... please, ask on the Discussion forum to generate packages for old distributions, specifying your distribution and kernel.


(NOTE: if the daemon doesn't autostart, you need to enable it: ~ $ sudo systemctl enable --now opensnitch.service)

Other arquitectures


02 Jul 00:33
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Bug fixes

What has changed


  • allow to easily configure rules without the GUI (fe66f9a, #1047)
  • [daemon][eBPF] performance improvement handling exit events (15fcf67)
  • [daemon][eBPF] disable events on too many errors (8895d6f, #1099 #1082)
  • [daemon] added more kernel config paths for checking system requirements (93a3fb7, #1117)
  • [GUI] improved authentication options (ff407e7, c540975)
  • [GUI] improve wording (7653a0a, by @ponychicken)
  • [GUI] ignore SameFile error when enabling autostart (03439f4)

New features

  • [GUI] added Reject to the list of DefaultAction(s) (91190c8, #1108)
  • [GUI] allow to configure screen/themes scale factor (362c0da)

Known bugs

  • DNS eBPF module does not work on armhf and i386 arquitectures (not tested with modern kernels 6.x). See the commits for more info and if you can help don't hesitate to open a PR or drop a comment :) c514946 , 9a6dfe7
  • opensnitch-procs eBPF module behaves a bit erratic on arm64 architecture (not new of this release) - d2d89e2

Full Changelog: v1.6.5...v1.6.6


You need to download the daemon and the GUI.


(NOTE: if the daemon doesn't autostart, enable it: ~ $ sudo systemctl enable --now opensnitch.service)

Other arquitectures



Ubuntu 22.04 / PopOS! 22.x / LinuxMint 21.x / Elementary OS 7.x / Zorin users: See this comment after installing the GUI: #647 (comment))

If you experience crashes on Wayland clicking on the pop-ups: launch the GUI as follow: ~ $ QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb opensnitch-ui

If the above packages complain about dependencies... please, ask on the Discussion forum to generate packages for old distributions, specifying your distribution and kernel.


09 Feb 16:48
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  • Fixed bug when using the GUI with multiple remote nodes. #1093

Full Changelog: v1.6.5...v1.6.5.1


09 Feb 00:32
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Note: if you're using the GUI with multiple remote nodes, use these GUI packages

Bug fixes

  • [daemon] Fixed segfault on exit #919 , 24fd94c
  • [daemon] Fixed DNS uprobes 5d33f41
  • [GUI] Fixed adding rules to the db from context menu #1027 , ec3f515

What has changed


  • [daemon] Strings concatenation improvements (reduces mem usage, notably) b9ec524
  • [daemon] Stop established connections monitor after n errors (not to waste resources) 871238e
  • [daemon] Clean DNS eBPF hooks on exit , da99686

New features

  • [daemon] Allow to configure the path of rules directory (#449, 6bd1fe8), config file (from cli) and eBPF modules (#928 5c6da0a)
  • [GUI] allow to configure refresh interval (#1073 , 435dffc)

Known bugs

  • DNS eBPF module does not work on armhf and i386 arquitectures. See the commits for more info and if you can help don't hesitate to open a PR or drop a comment :) c514946 , 9a6dfe7
  • opensnitch-procs eBPF module behaves a bit erratic on arm64 architecture (not new of this release) - d2d89e2
  • GUI crash when a pop-up is triggered from a node installed on a remote machine (#1093 , vill be fixed ASAP. Local nodes not affected)

Full Changelog: v1.6.4...v1.6.5


You need to download the daemon and the GUI.


(NOTE: if the daemon doesn't autostart, enable it: ~ $ sudo systemctl enable --now opensnitch.service)

Other arquitectures



Ubuntu 22.04 / PopOS! 22.x / LinuxMint 21.x users: See this comment after installing the GUI: #647 (comment))

If you experience crashes on Wayland clicking on the pop-ups: launch the GUI as follow: ~ $ QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb opensnitch-ui

If the above packages complain about dependencies... please, ask on the Discussion forum to generate packages for old distributions, specifying your distribution and kernel.


08 Nov 23:57
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GUI bug fix release.

Bug fixes

What's Changed

  • Allow to delete events from the in-memory database: #1030 , bcbfe3b
  • Improved views behaviour: #1037, d1ac73c
  • Restrict reading from the unix socket to the user who launched the GUI: f29e6dc

Full Changelog: v1.6.3...v1.6.4


You need to download the daemon and the GUI.


(NOTE: if the daemon doesn't autostart, enable it: ~ $ sudo systemctl enable opensnitch; sudo systemctl start opensnitch)

Other arquitectures



Ubuntu 22.04 / PopOS! 22.x / LinuxMint 21.x users: See this comment after installing the GUI: #647 (comment))

If you experience crashes on Wayland clicking on the pop-ups: launch the GUI as follow: ~ $ QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb opensnitch-ui

If the above packages complain about dependencies... please, ask on the Discussion forum to generate packages for old distributions, specifying your distribution and kernel.


17 Aug 14:10
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Only GUI packages updated.

Bug fix

  • Fixed error when setting DefaultAction to the daemon after connect to the GUI (#1017).

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.6.2...v1.6.3


Packages signed with the following GPG key: F34016AC014BAAF8C90AC730141D0D4E9FF44A67


(NOTE: if the daemon doesn't autostart, enable it: ~ $ sudo systemctl enable opensnitch; sudo systemctl start opensnitch)

Other arquitectures



Ubuntu 22.04 / PopOS! 22.x / LinuxMint 21.x users: See this comment after installing the GUI: #647 (comment))

If you experience crashes clicking on the pop-ups: launch the GUI as follow: ~ $ QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb opensnitch-ui

(If the above packages complain about dependencies, use these ones)


10 Aug 13:51
Choose a tag to compare

[updated 07/10/2023]
readme.txt.asc updated to reflect the correct checksums. The .deb/.rpm files are signed individually after being built, thus the checksums changes.
[updated 29/11/2023]
readme.txt.asc and rpm packages resigned with the proper key (#1067).

What's New

  • GUI: Added "Created" column to the list of rules.
  • GUI: Allow to configure nodes TLS options from the GUI.

Bugs fixed

  • GUI: Fixed errors upgrading DB from previous versions (> v1.5.x) (#988)

Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.6.2


Packages signed with the following GPG key: F34016AC014BAAF8C90AC730141D0D4E9FF44A67


(NOTE: if the daemon doesn't autostart, enable it: ~ $ sudo systemctl enable opensnitch; sudo systemctl start opensnitch)

Other arquitectures



Ubuntu 22.04 / PopOS! 22.x / LinuxMint 21.x users: See this comment after installing the GUI: #647 (comment))

If you experience crashes clicking on the pop-ups: launch the GUI as follow: ~ $ QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb opensnitch-ui

(If the above packages complain about dependencies, use these ones)


28 Jul 15:29
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NEWS: Configuration changes

The configuration files default-config.json and system-fw.json have been updated to add new items/options.
When installing the deb packages, apt will prompt you to allow the new versions, or keep the ones you already have.

None of the new changes are mandatory, so you don't need to update them. But please, review the changes, and decide if apply them.

What's New

What's Changed

  • Allow to configure GUI autostart option by @munix9 in #964
  • Allow starting the GUI in background when the systray not available by @WojtekWidomski in #975
  • Dinit service file by @jackffmm in #969
  • Use temporary files instead of piping in ebpf Makefile by @nnsee in #985
  • i18n: update Brazilian Portuguese translation by @tioguda in #974
  • Add basic Traditional Chinese locale by @PeterDaveHello in #997
  • Better errors when the eBPF modules fail loading (662cd2e)

Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.6.1

New Contributors

Known bugs 🐞

  • Ubuntu 22.04, 22.10 / LinuxMint 21.x / Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS users: See this comment after installing the GUI: #647 (comment))


Packages signed with the following GPG key: F34016AC014BAAF8C90AC730141D0D4E9FF44A67


(NOTE: if the daemon doesn't autostart, enable it: ~ $ sudo systemctl enable opensnitch; sudo systemctl start opensnitch)

Other arquitectures



Ubuntu 22.04 / LinuxMint 21.x users: See this comment after installing the GUI: #647 (comment))

If you experience crashes clicking on the pop-ups: launch the GUI as follow: ~ $ QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb opensnitch-ui

(If the above packages complain about dependencies, use these ones)